(NOTE! This mornin’s goodies are awaiting you below but if you don’t like ’em, please do unsubscribe at – thanks!)
| ==> 100 FB Social Ad Maker!
| http://askbling.com/socialam
| | BENEFITS: makes 100 high CTR FB
| Ads instantly AND
Good morning!
Ever wake up one morning and realize….
Yep, I was surely an idjut!
Yep. That be me this morning. Yep.
See, 2 days ago I bought Sean Mize’s
superb Warrior Forum Secrets at
The biggest secret for me?
I’ve ALWAYS thought that YES, you
need the affiliates to build your business.
But you know something?
Unless you know how to do the
7-10 followup sequence that then
feeds into your higher level goodies…..
You’re just plain wasting that list
and the 100% commissions you
gave to others to promote.
It costs $40 to run a WSO.
Sell 5 copies at $10, and you’ve
made a profit AND built a 5 person
list. That you can then plug into
your various/sundry followups.
Rinse/repeat and then offer your
larger ticket $47/$97/$147/etc.
SURE, you’re not growing
as hugely fast as if you had
tons of affiliates promoting.
BUT… you’re growing YOU.
Steady. The way *you* want.
NOT the way everyone else….
barks to do.
More on that soon. Again, the
insights I gained were from
And whats on your plate for Sunday?
Me, going to take the husband out
for breakfast and then see how
things flap about. Hope your day
goes grand!
Got lots to share but first:
23 SuperStar Blogger Tips
And onto today!
This price is jumping TODAY!!
| ==> Instantly create 100 variations
| http://askbling.com/socialam
In a nutshell:
You’ll have the option to create right
hand side ads and/or Newsfeed Ads.
All you need to do is input the
campaign name, objective,
headlines, texts and add an
image and the system will
generate multiple ads, up to 100 ads per day!
But that’s not all…
Instantly export your new ad
directly to Facebook and update
it right inside Facebook!
We provide all training within
the software…but more on that later!
| ==> Less than 4 hours left until price jump
| http://askbling.com/socialam
Don’t forget yesterdays:
If you’re looking for copywriting
greatness, check this out today!
| ==> Millionaire Cpoywriting Mastermind
| http://askbling.com/millionairecm
What would YOU do with knowing….
Neil’s simple 10 stage sales page anatomy
5 things most marketers do that could cripple your sales
The only time that using a story may hurt your copy
How to get inside your prospects
hearts and control their emotions.
The covert method to tell what’s in
the back of their minds and win them over
How to send your visitors in to a
greased slide straight to the buy button.
6 simple steps from start to super sales letter
What buzz words will alienate your audience and kill your sales.
| ==> Catch that simple?
| http://askbling.com/millionairecm
Michael’s unique step system to sales page mastery
The only way to know that you are good enough to sell
The best way to create rapport with your reader so they buy
The 6 simple tweaks that can treble sales.
The basic outline to follow that has made millions.
How to ensure that sales come in for years to come,
The one key element that is tantamount to persuading people to buy.
What to look for in bad copy so you don’t get ripped off.
How to increase sales by 300%
| ==> Catch that 300?
| http://askbling.com/millionairecm
The one thing that almost ALL copywriters are getting wrong and how this destroys sales.
The real place that you need to start if you want to make pages that sell (It’s not what you think).
The age old simple formula to make your sales pages sizzle – and bring in the profits.
| ==> Bonuses too!
| http://askbling.com/millionairecm
If you’re at ALL into building up
your OWN long-term business
via the WF…. you MUST get this.
It’s just plain brilliant (I
bought it too).
1) How to determine exactly w
hat folks on the Warrior Forum
are looking for
2) How to Create your $10
products – and how to create
the upsells that make your offers profitable
| ==> Catch that profit?
| http://askbling.com/wfsecrets
3) How to create $10 product
after $10 product over and
over and over again
4) How I cracked the code to
getting FREE WSO leads — there
are many wrong ways to do it –
but the way I do it gets me
20-40 new leads just about
everytime I release a new FREE
WSO. And I’ll tell you the
exact formula I am using that
is converting best.
5) The entire psychology behind
how to monetize your WSO leads
once they get onto your list.
This is worth the entire price of the course!
| ==> Catch that monetization?
| http://askbling.com/wfsecrets
6) My entire philosophy for
using the Warrior Forum to
build a starter business online
In short — you are getting my
entire system for using the
Warrior Forum to make money
and get leads.
(and the bonuses offered… are
sheer insanity too!).
| ==> See for yourself!
| http://askbling.com/wfsecrets
Looking to make an additional profitable
impact with your videos?
If so:
| ==> Easily add call-to-actions and more!
| http://askbling.com/videoss
This is a software package that enables
you to turn your YouTube Videos into a
webpage that will popup buy buttons
when you say, add calls to action and more!
(and the bonuses offered… are
sheer insanity too!).
| ==> See for yourself!
| http://askbling.com/videoss
If you’ve been wondering
how you can use eMail to both
build AND engage your list:
| ==> Videos, case studies and more!
| http://askbling.com/emailninja
I’m on both the creator’s lists….
and yep, their techniques *work*.
Don’t forget our favs:
==> Earn1KaDay Power Community
==> Zero cost affiliate training from the
super popular NAMS group:
==> Marlon Sanders Big Book of Secrets
==> 21 Powerful Copywriting Tips…. Zero cost!
==> Special 6 in 6 coaching $1 trial
Thank you for bring on my list – I will continue
to do my best to bring you the latest and
greatest of all marketing updates and will be sure
to touch base with you this afternoon
with all the latest goodies…
Grow strong,
Barbara Ling
I Make Marketing Profitable
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| About the Author: Barbara Ling has been a mover and
| shaker on the Internet since 1989, and has been an
| online trainer and marketing pioneer since 1997.
| Designer and creator of Barbara Ling.com
| she has taught thousands of entrepreneurs how
| to master affiliate marketing, product development,
| networking growth and more. Author of over 50 books
| and ebooks, her educational style is denoted by
| motivational, humorous, fun and easy to understand
| targeted writing.
| Nowadays, she is best known for teaching
| people from all walks of life how to be successful
| on the Internet. For more information, please visit:
| http://barbaraling.com/shows/btlace/
| Perking Up Profits!
| >> http://facebook.com/groups/perkingUpProfits
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Barbara Ling, grab some smiles and tell your friends! Thanks so much… — Barbara Ling
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