Quick Recap: THUD (plus 1.5K commissions, 1,500 trainings and more (2 tier program!: IBU Ultimate Access License

Hey there,

Barb Ling here and did you miss the ULTIMATE license because…


Not only does it bump up your commissions bigtime….

But it also gives you:

1,500 training packages

Contentaire with PLR Rights (also huge!)

The Super Vault…

The Video PLR Vault…

In a nutshell….

You get:

  • One on one email coaching, no expiration, which gives you the ability to lean on Dennis Becker and Barb Ling for marketing advice on a broad range of core topics. You get a dedicated email address that you can use whenever you get stuck. Regular price $397 for 6 months, $2997 for no-expiration, you can read more about it here.
  • Lifetime access to Earn1KaDay, Dennis Becker’s long established community of Internet marketers, 11 years old as of May 2018, with a huge forum archives section and over 1500 downloadable products waiting for you to consume. Regular price, $797 no expiration access, or $49.95/month, you can read more about Earn1KaDay here
  • Group coaching, no expiration. This gives you access to our economy program, where members get access to a library of recorded webinars and videos, and access to monthly members-only “ask anything” webinars, webinars with guest speakers, and much more. Regular price: $37/month, you can read more about it here.
  • Daily Seminar audio/video/transcripts with PLR and resell rights. This was a membership site originally created by Jason Fladlien and Robert Plank, for which Dennis purchased exclusive rights to the content for $32,000, and spent another $4,000+ to have the audios transcribed. The topics are on a wide range of IM categories. You’ll be able to resell, bundle, transform, use as bonuses or upsells, add your thoughts to, virtually anything you want to earn a profit. Regular price: $247, you can read more about it here.
  • Premium private label and resell rights to our hugely popular Warrior Plus offers: 235K Words PLR, 320K Words PLR, 500K Words PLR and 325K Words PLR. All 4 offers earned the Warrior Plus Deal of the Day award when initially launched, and the content has been the basis for case studies on how to use the products profitably. Regular price: $225+.
  • Private label license to Contentaire, a tremendous bundle of content created by Jimmy D. Brown, that you can use in your own business, or can sell access to (without PLR or resell rights). Regular price: $497, you can read more about it here.
  • E1KaD Workshops, a continually growing library of workshops to enhance your marketing skills, especially for coaches, but useful for marketers of all types. These are for your personal use only, but valuable information on a wide range of topics. Regular price $197, you can read more about it here.
  • The Super Vault, an amazing collection of 18 bundles of products about some of the core, evergreen, topics that all Internet Marketers need to know. Regular price $297, you can read more about it here.
  • More to come! – We’ll be constantly brainstorming ways to make things more attractive and more profitable for license holders. At some point, the price might increase, but we’ll never ask existing license holders for a single penny more.

And the license?

  • Sell this $3000 ultimate license and earn 50% commissions ($1500 per sale) rather than the 10% ($300) that those affiliates without a license receive.
  • Sell DAB Group Coaching, which is currently $37/month after a 7-day $1 trial period, and earn $27.75 per month! This coaching is for a fixed term of 12 months, but benefits continue for “graduates” (those who stay for all 12 months). So members have an incentive to remain members for a full year, instead of the typical 3-5 month retention of most membership sites. So over the course of a year, your commission would be $333. And remember, many members eventually sense the benefits of becoming licenses.
  • Sell one on one email coaching and earn 50% commissions ($198.50) rather than the normal $100 commission. Or for the no-expiration email coaching, your commission would be $1498.50 rather than the normal $600.
  • The remaining components are Earn1KaDay, the Super Vault, Contentaire PLR or personal use license, 235K, 320K, 500K, 325K, Daily Seminar PLR and resell rights – you’ll earn 75% affiliate commission instead of the regular 50%.
  • More to come! – We’ll be constantly brainstorming ways to make things more attractive and more profitable for license holders. At some point, the price might increase, but we’ll never ask existing license holders for a single penny more.

What’s even better…
Don’t have your own coaching program? As a licensee, now you do.

Don’t have your own high ticket components of a sales funnel? As a licensee, now you do.

Don’t even have a sales funnel yet? As a licensee, now you do.

And here’s possibly the best part….

This is a 2-tier program!

That means that any person who buys through you and then someone buys thru *their* link….

You will get a cut of those commissions!

I’ve promoted other licensee programs… and let me tell you, getting commissions of $550 or $1,000 or $1,500 (with our program)…..

It’s grand!

So go now and check out all the goodies that are offered over at:


You’re going to love what you see….

Definitely check it out.


Grow strong,

Barb “More Commissions!” Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

ps – Packed it is…. packed!

Source: Virtual Coach


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