Chapter 1: it all started with realizing this about myself (you can do the same)


Barb Ling here and did you know that I was the number 2 affiliate for WarriorPlus last year?

Only 1 person was ahead of me…..

… and 100s were after me!

Many folks asked how I managed to do that.

One of the ways that really helped was realizing that while its an honor for me to have people on my list….

… its ALSO an honor for folks to BE on my list!

Youll hardly hear any other marketer mention that but its *true*.

I am never afraid to mail my list, because I know the value I deliver is topnotch as well.

That kind of self-confidence….

… it allows you to break past bunches of mental barriers!


In a few days, another 8 figure marketer is going to share some of his techniques….

… that are copy and pastable for you too!

Best of all….

==> Its a zero cost webbie! You can Register HERE:

And get ready to hold onto your socks, because youre going to *adore* the value you receive.

Stay tuned as well for Chapter 2 – methinks youre going to relate quite a lot.

Grow strong,

Barb More commissions! Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

ps – Seats limited….
Source: aWeber


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