Quick Recap: Time sensitive change which you’ll absolutely adore… (but its increasing soon…

Hey there,

Barb Ling here and you might remember how Dennis and I have a new membership site for those basic yet critical marketing skills all marketers MUST possess!

Well then…. let me share with you his words.

“…So about our new membership site…

* Massive change.

* Critical change.

* You’ll love it!

I’ve told you how not knowing the
basic skills in the beginning held
me back big time.

It kept me from earning more, and
it meant I racked up lots more credit
card debt than I am comfortable
even remembering…

I had to learn, on my own, the
hard way, things like:

HTML and CSS (no WordPress back then)

Hosting account and Cpanel stuff

Aweber stuff



​​​​​​​Creating graphics

​​​​​​​Google and Gmail

​​​​​​​Video creation

And lots of things I didn’t know
and didn’t appreciate, or weren’t
available back then but later I
learned the hard way:

​​​​​​​Amazon S3

​​​​​​​WordPress (OMG so much!)

​​​​​​​How to make PLR profitable

And more.

I’m not proud of the fact that I
learned all that through trial and
error and buying courses. Today I’d
learn a lot through YouTube, of
course, but that would be fun… not.

All that learning meant that the
income I came to enjoy beginning
in late 2005 was 3 years later than
it needed to be, if I could have
learned everything in one place in
2002 when I started out.

But you don’t have to go through
what I went through.

We’ve built for you a site where
you can go and pick and choose what
you need today, tomorrow, next
week, next month…

… to shorten the amount of time
it takes you to get up to 100% speed.

DAB Basic Skills:

==> http://askblings.com/dabenduser

I told you all that before, sort of.

But since a few hours ago, I’ve had
a heart to heart discussion with me,
my partner Barb Ling, and a trusted
advisor, and we have decided to make
accessing the 400+ videos inside
DAB Basic Skills easier for you.

The plan has been to drip feed the
videos inside the site, so as to
not overwhelm anyone.

But I quickly came to realize that
some (many) of the people looking
to learn the basic skills already
know some of them.

So their needs are for what we
designated as slightly more advanced
month 2 and month 3 content.

Duh, right? (on me)

I’ll be honest. The other reason I
wanted to drip feed the video access
was I didn’t want to risk people
joining, watching just what they
wanted during their first month,
and cancelling after paying a very
low price for that first month.

There were other more technical
licensing reasons, but yeah, that
was a concern.

So, regardless of my concerns…

As of today, all members, new and
those who have already joined, will
be able to access all 400+ videos

Members will still have reason to
stick around beyond the first month.

Above and beyond the fact that we
will keep the videos up to date as
things change.

Join today for just $9.97/month
and you get access to all the videos.

But here’s the tradeoff…

… for others but not for you…

The new price of DAB Basic Skills
will be increasing as of 9 a.m. on
Saturday, November 3rd.

The new price will be $29.97 for the
first month (when you get access to
all 400+ videos), and if you decide
to stick around, $9.97 for each
additional month of access to new
stuff, updated videos, continued
access to the videos so you don’t
have to learn everything right away,
and more.

Take advantage of the fact that the
price increase hasn’t happened yet
and join us now at the original
price, here:

==> http://askblings.com/dabenduser

You’ll find videos on all the topics
I mentioned up above, and I’m always
looking for new and exciting content
to share with members.

Have a spectacular day.

Dennis Becker, the 5 Buck Guy

P.S. Yes, I really believe that I missed
out on ramping up my income to 6-figures
annually 3 years sooner on the fact
that I didn’t have a solid background
in the basic concepts and skills.

I had to seek them out, and it took many
hundreds or thousands of hours and many
hundreds or thousands of dollars.

And I wasted SO MUCH time because I

had so much trial and error because I

was self teaching myself.

You can get it all here, TODAY:

==> http://askblings.com/dabenduser


Grow strong,

Barb “Make it so!” Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

ps – Did I mention it won’t cost you a dime?

Source: Virtual Coach


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