Quick Recap: LAST CALL (I messed up on the coupon) Crucial Friendly Group Coaching… increasing tomorrow at 9am

Hey there,

Barb Ling here and my apologies!!

I neglected to remind you about this
special…. and have managed to secure
18 more hours for the special price
(Monthly will increase by $10, yearly
by $100), especially as I messed up
yesterdays last call.

My apologies!

And what it this?

It’s the superb Dennis and Barb
DAB Group Coaching!

But… you can get in now, and be
grandfathered in for no future increases at all
if you go here now:

==> http://askblings.com/dablastcall
Use coupon code dabbling to reset the price!

Among other benefits, you’ll have access
to 2 veteran and successful people who
are coaches, marketers, affiliates, product
creators, authors and more (me and Dennis Becker).

And when you decide to remain a member,
which most do, the commitment is only for
12 months of payments in return to unending
new content every month, well beyond the
12 months of payments.

Lots and lots of powerful, profitable
content is waiting for you!

Content that will inform you,
inspire you, hopefully create profit for
you… and  that, of course, is up to you.

One recent addition is the inclusion of
the “W+ Vault” where we give members
access to our offers on Warrior Plus
for the DennisAndBarb account (which
means you get ALL of our W+ launches

We added around $165 worth in December,
and we have a new launch happening on
Thursday where there is more coming for
members (that are no longer in their
trial period).

The price is increasing by $10/month
or $100 for the one-pay by

Get in now and beat that increase.

We have more new features coming soon
as well that you’ll find most superb!

==> http://askblings.com/dablastcall
Use coupon code dabbling to reset the price!

If you have any question, feel free drop
me a line.   You’ll love what you learn!

Grow strong,

Barb Ling

P.S. Seriously, you have never seen
content as amazing as what’s in store
for you anywhere else, especially at
this kind of price.

Check out the sales page for some of
the details about what’s there now,
but keep in mind, more is coming soon!

==> http://askblings.com/dablastcall

Source: Virtual Coach


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