HEADSUP: Writing Productivity Challenge by Tiff Lambert! (20 Days handholding PLUS

Hey there,
Barb Ling here and wooot…. shes back (and this offer has no upsells!).

==> Tiff Lambert 20 Days Writing Productivity Challenge
Link at end
Your benefits: Enables you to and I quote, Action Steps for Churning Out Great Content for eBooks and Reports, Sales Copy, Email Autoresponders, Blog Posts and Social Networking Posts with Ease!
Brief pithy and to the point:
Tiff Lambert, hands down, is one of the most brilliant entrepreneurs to follow these days (and any days, and Ive been following her now since 2006 and she shines!).
So could you imagine learning from her…

THIS???? Heres what youll get in this 20-Day Challenge when you sign up:

==> Week 1: Techniques and Tips

I start by sharing the skills I use in my own toolbox to research, organize and write faster without fail every day. Heres what we learn and do this week:

Day 1: Identify and Eliminate Distractions

Day 2: Pushing Past Writers Block

Day 3: Quick Research for Content Ideas

Day 4: Outlining for Faster Content Creation

Day 5: Adding Depth to Your Writing

==> Just Week 1!

==> Week 2: Writing eBooks and Sales Copy

By the end of this week, you should have a 20-page eBook and a 5-page sales copy. Of course, youll go at your own pace if you need to work slower – so dont panic. The first time, youll be slower – but then as you repeat the lessons, youll pick up speed.

Each day this week, we work on the eBook and sales copy combined. Heres what we do in addition to writing the eBook:

Day 6: Conducting a Competitive Copy Analysis

Day 7: Niche Stats Research

Day 8: Learning Common Copy Elements that Speed Up Output

Day 9: Crafting the Right Storyline (Yours and Theirs)

Day 10: Editing and Matching Images with Your Content

==> Just Week 2!

==> Week 3: Generating Email Autoresponder Campaigns

This is the week when we do one of the most important aspects of online marketing – create the content that helps us build a list, presell our products, and connect to our audience.

During this week, we create a 5-page report and 5-day email series doing the following:

Day 11: Write a Presell Freebie for the eBook You Wrote (or Opt in Report – Your Choice)

Day 12: Learn How to Create Tip and Tease Emails

Day 13: Practice the Art of Built in Value Lesson Emails

Day 14: See What Short Sharing Emails Are All About

Day 15: Choose Between Solo or Multi Topic Emails

==> Just Week 3!

==> Week 4: Blog and Social Network Content Sharing

When you have social media accounts, its a bad idea to just spam them with links every day. You need content that makes people want to stay connected to you on these sites. So during this week, heres what we cover:

Day 16: Creating a List of Weekly Go To Topics for Your Niche

Day 17: Writing Quick Review Blog Posts

Day 18: Crafting a Fast How To or Tip Tutorial

Day 19: Whipping Up Some Motivating Content to Wow Your Audience

Day 20: Direct Content Creation for Facebook

==> Week 4!

Sounds good? My gosh it sure is…

Tiff is seriously one of the 2 writers in our space whom I adore with her abilities to *teach* (Amanda Craven is the other one)…

And youll love this one just plain grand.
Grow strong,
Barb I like Done For You! Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator
==> PS No Upsells!
Source: aWeber


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