Hey there,
Barb Ling here and I just came across:
Local Landing Pages!
And wow they look sleek and sweet indeed…
Heres the low-down.
If you have been doing offline consulting for any length of time then you know by now, local business owners are wary of marketers pitching their services every single day. They dont look for promises, they look for results.
Thats exactly what you can provide with the Local Landing Page Profits!
A simple Google search will show you that there are small businesses paying big money to the BIG G for leads. The problem is most of those ads lead to websites that are just not optimized to convert prospects into leads. Some are outdated, others are not responsive and so on.
That is a Gold Mine of an opportunity, a few smart marketers are taking advantage of by providing high quality landing pages that are optimized for lead capturing and conversions.
You can too have local businesses rewarding you handsomely for such a service. The problem is creating those high quality landing pages that are proven to convert is not easy.
But that is taken care of by Local Landing Page Profits Software. If you can type you can edit the themes and install in minutes.
Note that these are built on wordpress, so you dont have to deal with any HTML code whatsoever. There is an intuitive drag and drop interface that you can work with easily.
There are as many as 10 niches covered in these landing pages, and thee niches are carefully chosen in order to help you make some easy sales. The niches covered are:
– Dentist
– Electrician
– Carpenter
– Roofing Contractor
– Plumbing Contractor
– 5 more!
Grab em all here!
Sounds good?
I think so – this product is definitely a win for people who want to build an offline business…
Check it out today!
Grow strong,
Barbara Work Smart! Ling
ps – Bonuses too!
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Source: aWeber
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