Hey there,
Barb Ling here and did you see this?
We're talking all the affiliate softwares you need to cash out big...
Here, take a peek!
Step 1 - Find a hot affiliate program
The first step is to choose a profitable affiliate program.
There are 6,000 affiliate programs to promote in Affiliate Bots every month, across WarriorPlus, Amazon, ClickBank & JVZoo.
First up, Amazon: Find 200 NEW, Top-Selling Products DAILY with the King of the Zon tool... then 7 OTHER TOOLS...
Discover All NEW Product Launches in the Internet Marketing Niche: View Google & YouTube SEO competition, JV email updates & more!
ClickBank: The top 250 affiliate programs, updated daily
JVZoo: Top 100 (EVERY $xx,xxx/day affiliate program)
IM Affiliate BOT: ALL My Top Promotions From the last 6 months
Hosting Affiliate BOT: Database of the top Hosting Affiliate Programs
Christmas Affiliate BOT: The 100 top-selling Christmas gifts for 2018!
WarriorPlus: New Product Launches with 50+ sales (updated daily)!
==> Sounding good? See for yourself!
Step 2 - Create Websites in 60 Seconds
Now, we create our website - with 2 new softwares...
Firstly, my 1 Click Affiliate software includes 100 done-for-you templates (including web pages, affiliate promotions & more).
Secondly, my 1 Click Video Pages software creates a dozen video, squeeze page & VSL landing pages in seconds...
Create Instant Affiliate Templates with 1 Click Copy...
Create Instant VSL & Video Websites with 1 Click Video Pages...
Discover $1,000 Domain Names with my Domainaveli Software Tool...
Use My 17 BOTS to Launch Your Affiliate Campaigns & You Could Be Generating Commissions Like Me...
==> 'Tis waiting here!
STEP 3 - Get Free Traffic with Video
Now, we have the affiliate program & website, so it's time to get 100% FREE, BUYER traffic on Google & YouTube.
And we do this with my Rapid Rank Video software. Simply import the script we just made with 1 Click Affiliate... hit go... then upload your video to YouTube.
Now, we sit back and wait for our video to rank on our buyer keyword, on both Google AND YouTube..
Import your 1 Click Affiliate script, tweak a few settings & create an instant video for your keyword in seconds!
Discover 2,000 Banners for 1,000 ClickBank Affiliate Programs & Monetize Your Website in 1 Click
Research 360 Sites on Flippa Generating $200 to $26,000 per month: brainstorm website ideas & find even more traffic opportunities!
Bonus Bot! Resell Rights Database - 1,100 software tools, 100 WordPress plugins, 3,000 master resell rights, 600 PLR products
PLUS.. Stop The Presses! Now Includes New 17th Bot: Send Unlimited Emails To Unlimited Lists With Our AutoMailer Software
17 Automated Softwares... Changes Amazon, YouTube, Google, Warrior, ClickBank & JVZoo.. Affiliate Marketing & Free Traffic...
==> 17 Software are aall included!
17 Software Tools - $921/Day In Commissions: Affiliate Bots Is A Fresh NEW Way To Look At Affiliate Marketing For
Can you imagine the results you'd get with a software this unique?
Let me show you the rock-solid proof that's possible...
So Are You Ready To Take Your Affiliate Business To The Next Level? Are you in?
OK great.
==> The first step is to click on the link here:
You'll get Instant Access to the Affiliate Bots "tool-suite"...
With instant access to ALL 17 affiliate software BOTS:
Warrior50 - pre-loaded with all new "big" WarriorPlus launches (with over 50 sales), updated daily
King of the Zon - pre-loaded with the 200 most profitable affiliate programs on Amazon.com, updated daily
King of the Zoo - pre-loaded with the top 100-200 JVZoo products (with 12 metrics), updated every 12 hours
CB 250 database - pre-loaded with the top 250 ClickBank affiliate programs (6 metrics), updated daily
ChristmasAffiliate Bot - which displays the 110 expected top-selling products on Amazon for Christmas 2018
HostingAffiliate Bot - which displays the top 50 affiliate programs for the huge hosting niche
IMAffiliate Bot - which displays my own personally most profitable affiliate programs in the Internet marketing niche
Launch Pulse - a database of all the new JVZoo, ClickBank & WarriorPlus product launches in my best niche -- Internet marketing!
1 Click Video Page software that instantly makes ready-to-upload video websites (12x VSLs & squeeze pages) in minutes
1 Click Affiliate - creates affiliate landing pages & scripts, using proven sales templates that made me $2.6 million
Rapid Video Ranker - creates instant affiliate videos in 60 seconds - then rank on YouTube/Google for fast free traffic
Auto Affiliate Ads - 2,000 banner/text ads for 1,000 ClickBank offers - instant export code to your website or blog!
Resell Database software - pre-loaded with 1000s of extra software and other products that you can license in minutes
AutoMassMailer - autoresponder software which lets you build your list and send unlimited emails to unlimited lists - with no mailing fees.. ever!
FlipDB - a database of 360 Flippa websites generating $200 to $26,000 per month - more niche ideas & traffic opportunities!
Domainaveli - find the best domain names for any keyword. Run 100 searches in 1 click across 30 extensions!
And that's just the Affiliate Bots software package - but there's even more...
A 37-page COMPLETE quick start guide that shows you how to get started within minutes with my Affiliate Bots system
Plus secret hidden videos where I explain all my secret tips for getting free traffic (1.5 billion daily opportunities!)
But that's not all. Order now, and you'll also get access to all these additional newbie-friendly features...
3 complete bonus systems on profiting with affiliate marketing + Google, YouTube, JVZoo, ClickBank, Amazon & more
Over 100 pages of PDF training on profiting in 2017 - beautifully formatted & complete PDF documents.
Training videos - how to use each software - quick start training AND advanced features (my software is powerful!)
Future upgrades, training & more - we supported Video Titan for 8 months. This is just the beginning!
Plus, you'll get access to my T-Shirt Titan system, (with over 3,000 happy customers paying $25!) which teaches you how to profit with TeeSpring & Facebook Ads, and includes FOUR software tools & SOOOO much more...
The Tee Searcher that lets you find proven tshirt designs on eBay, Zazzle, Facebook & many others
The Idea Maker that auto generates over 100 proven design ideas in any niche in under 60 seconds
Whew! Talk about a huge package....
Methinks you'll find this grand!
Grow strong,
Barb "More Buy Buttons!" Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator
PS: Bonuses too!
Source: Virtual Coach
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