PLR: FB Tracking made Easy? Keep 100% of the earnings…. (8 videos and..

Hey there,
Barb Ling here and want you a brand new 9 video marketing course, complete with PLR…

… in a topic so hot, it kinda sorta flies off the shelves?

Well then!

==> FB Tracking PLR

Your benefits – you can learn the material yourself, and then claim authorship and keep 100% of the profits!

Brief, pithy and to the point:
I always love it when Jason releases his PLR…

… because he customizes it SO wonderfully!

And this goodie is no exception – you’ll gain:

Video 1: Introduction to FB Tracking
Have you ever wondered why your Facebook ads don’t convert? The reason why is that most people do not train their Facebook pixel correctly. In this video, we will discuss what that means and why that is important. You will also be given a quick overview of the course itself and what you need to get started.

Video 2: Business Manager Setup
Before you create your Facebook pixel, let’s discuss why you need to have a business manager. There’s a big reason why Facebook created the business manager and why you need to centralize access to all of your pages, your pixels, your ad accounts, and much more.

Video 3: Create a Facebook Pixel
Now, it’s time to show you how to create a Facebook pixel. Did you know that you can create several pixels per account? The big question is – should you create a pixel for your whole business? Or should you create several different pixels?
This is something that most people do not think about and they do it incorrectly. In fact, doing this wrong will give you horrible results.

Video 4: Standard Events Overview
Before I give you some practical application and real life examples, it’s important to understand why standard events are important and how they can tell you what is happening within your funnel.

Video 5: Email Opt In Funnel Events
The first real life practical example is a simple email opt-in funnel. This consists of a landing page that asks people to fill out their name and email address in exchange for something for free.
In this video, you’re going to learn how to know how many people visited your opt-in page and how many filled out the form. Or how many people visited the page, but did not fill out the form.

Video 6: Abandoned Cart Funnel Events
The next funnel is crucial if you are selling your product and have people abandoning the cart. Let’s say for example that 100 people visit your site, and 10 people are interested in purchasing. So, they click the ‘add to cart’ button but never purchase the product.
Without the proper tracking, you would never know this information, and this is exactly how most business owners run their businesses. You’ll learn how to properly set this up in this video.

Video 7: Purchase Funnel Events
Next up, you have the purchase funnel which is similar to the previous video. However, we will take it one step further. This allows you to see who came to your sales page and purchased versus who came to your sales page and did not purchase. This will allow you to retarget them at a later date.
Or perhaps you want to run an ad solely to people who purchased? This is for you!

Video 8: Lead Form Funnel
A lot of consulting or service based businesses utilize this funnel. Basically, it consists of getting people to a page for the intent to fill out a form. Perhaps you want to get them to schedule an appointment so that you can sell to them at a later date

Video 9: How to Test Your Pixel Is Active
Once you have installed new pixels throughout your funnel, the big question is – how do you know if it is working? How do you know if those standard event pixels were placed properly? More on that in this video.

And again…

You get to keep 100% of the profits!

==> See for yourself here!

It’s definitely a great deal for such a low low price….
Why not check it out today?

Grow strong,

Barb “More Commissions!” Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

ps ==> Bonuses too!
Source: aWeber


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