Hey there,
Barb Ling here and this just crossed my path!
If you are an author or speaker you are absolutely going to adore this! It was developed JUST for you, and it’s pretty cool indeed.
Book Brag is a collection of 60 second product or event announcement videos, designed in Powerpoint for easy editing.
But… This goodie doesn’t stop there! Each Video has a matching portfolio of support materials for print or web and…
==> Developer license included!
10 Portfolios each composed of:
Promotion Video ( PPT Format)
Book Cover Design Templates ( PSD Format)
Bookmark Design Templates ( PSD Format )
Kindle Cover Mockup Design Templates ( PSD Format )
Ready To Print Roll Up Banner ( PSD Format )
Flyer Design Templates ( PSD Format
PLUS Extra valuable bonuses
Never has it been so easy to promote yourself and your new book, whether online or in print.
==> Start your journey here!
And because this is a solo offer, buy thru my link and immediately receive my own
Kindle Marketing Strategy Pack
My own collection of the BEST resources for Kindle marketing online!
Sounds good? Indeed… everything you need to make a grand launch…
What’s not to adore?
Grow strong,
Barb “More Commissions!” Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator
ps – Additional bonuses too!
Source: Virtual Coach
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