Hey there,
Barb Ling here and well… I’ll Dennis explain
it all! (and in a nutshell – what you’ll be seeing
below – I used it myself to make over 500+ sales
via reusing the content.
And remember – these savings end TONIGHT!!
To wit:
“…I’m very excited today to bring you a new
feature, and a chance to… well, you’ll
understand in a moment.
We’ve had a lot of offers that our followers
have responded well to.
And some of those offers escalated in price
quickly, and after the initial product
Plus, many new people have joined our lists
in the recent months and years.
Evergreen means that some offers will stand
the test of time, and shouldn’t fade away
into dust, and we’ll only be offering flash
sales on evergreen offer.
So we’re launching what I’m calling Flash
Sale Friday.
Each weekend, you’ll have an opportunity
to purchase one of our prior best sellers,
often Warrior Plus Deal of the Day winners,
at a great discount.
The flash sale runs through Sunday at
11:59 p.m. eastern time.
Today we’re offering again our first, and
very popular PLR bundle, which we called
235K Words Premium IM Content with PLR.
Before I give you details and the link,
I want to explain.
You will receive a hefty 30% discount
on the product, as well as any upsells
that you might choose to purchase.
But to get them, you need to enter a
coupon code on the checkout page.
The sales page will show the original
price, but when you click on Add to Cart,
on the checkout page, there is a link
that asks if you have a coupon code.
Click on that, enter code FIRSTFSF
and then click on Apply. You will see
the new price. Then you can purchase.
If you also see a message that you
have previously purchased the product,
don’t do that. You have it already.
After purchasing, if you decide
to purchase any of the upsells, you
will need to enter the coupon code
on those checkout pages also, since
W+ doesn’t automatically carry it
So yes, you get 30% discounts across
the board.
With this PLR bundle, you will have the
rights to modify, use, learn from,
transform, etc.
This is not just ordinary PLR, this is
==> http://askblings.com/235k
(Use the coupon code FIRSTFSF on the
checkout page)
Here is a quick explanation about what
is inside…
My own content, which has been published
inside the IM Inside Track paid membership
So 70 mini reports (averaging around 1,500 words
And then, 15 great webinar transcripts, averaging
around 4,800 words each, so sort of mini-ebooks,
from webinars/short seminars presented by Jason
Fladlien and Robert Plank.
I own exclusive rights to these transcripts, so
you won’t find them available with these rights
anywhere else.
And then, 9 mostly longer reports or short ebooks
from the Sean Mize archives, specially chosen to
give great value and usability.
And finally, a guide from Barb Ling showing how
to transform all of that content, over 235,000
words strong of expert content, into profits for
you, in several different ways.
With this content you can profit in many different
ways, 19 of which are listed on the sales page:
==> http://askblings.com/235k
(Use the coupon code FIRSTFSF on the
checkout page)
With this much content, which can and should
be sliced and diced and extracted and have your
own unique thoughts added to it, and compiled
in a bunch of different ways, I don’t see that
there will be much duplication in the market.
Or you can just learn from it, get ideas from it,
or get inspired by it.
I do see that there is a tremendous amount of
potential for your profit.
And a guide to help you realize that goal, if
you need help at all.
Yes, you can add the content to a membership
site. I would suggest not all at once, stage
it week by week to make it last. Or it can be
used in many other different ways.
With 235,000 words, and 94 different reports
and ebooks, and most of them being able to be
split up into part 1, part 2, etc., you have
a lot of content for a long time.
Or a lot of blog posts, or YouTube videos, or
A lot of profit awaits you here:
==> http://askblings.com/235k
(Use the coupon code FIRSTFSF on the
checkout page)
Grow strong,
Barb “More Buy Buttons” Ling!
Authority Marketing Innovator
P.S. Although this was sold before,
and very popular, there is so much
content, which can be combined in so
many different ways, I’m not worried
about over-saturation.
==> http://askblings.com/235k
(Use the coupon code FIRSTFSF on the
checkout page)
And remember, the flash sales ends at
11:59 p.m. eastern time on Sunday, and
the coupon code automatically expires
after that.
P.P.S. Also, if you already have the 235K
Words product, but want to see the upsells
that you might have declined before when
the prices were higher, there’s a link below
the Add to Cart button at the bottom of
the page to do that.
==> http://askblings.com/235k
(Use the coupon code FIRSTFSF on the
checkout page)
Source: Virtual Coach
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