COUPON: FLASH SALE PLR Special SALE: 1,000 done for you lessons at unbelievable savings PLUS…

Editors note: Editor forgot coupon. Editor needs coffee. Editor.

Hey there,

Barb Ling here and for this weekend, this product is discounted!

What problem, I hear you ask?
One of the best shortcuts to profiting online….
… is to discover a fresh take on already-created evergreen material by seasoned, veteran marketers (and if said material comes with PLR you can claim it as your own, add your name as the author, sell it and keep 100% of the profits)!
And you might have noticed that very now and then, you can grab a collection of these at super savings.
Well, I’m happy to let you know that Dennis Becker and I have just released our benefit-packed “Welcome in 2019 PLR Value Pack”:
==> Gem Offer #1: 1,000 Done For You IM Lessons (good for 3 years of membership content!
And remember – this is NOT your typical launch!
See, we combed thru our massive inventory and archives and have such a special offer… we are confident in stating, you’ve never seen such a thing before.
It is actually a *series* of profitable product collections, each of which could stand on their own as very special offers.
And to ensure you don’t miss out on ANYTHING, we’ve structured in in a way that’s a lot more fun for you! (in other words, the following offers you’ll see, touch on different aspects of IM (so they enable you to pick and choose)
In a nutshell, these are 6 jam-packed gem-collections (all gems, I strongly believe), from 6 well-known, veteran product creators or teams.
If there are any offers that you don’t need or don’t want, please don’t just close the page, but rather go down near the bottom and click on the “no thanks but what about…” link to open up the next collection of evergreen gems from the next respected product creator.
And here’s how it begins:
You’ll first have an opportunity to seize the PLR collection of not 1, not 2 but 1,000 lessons…
… that cover a vast range of knowledge and skills including:
* Newbie IM Marketing
* Traffic
* Building a thriving business online
==> You name it, the evergreen topic is probably already THERE!
Use FSF30 to drop price big!

What’s really great about this evergreen package is that you get 100% PLR on 1,000 lessons…
That means you can have done-for-you content for not 1, not 3 but 3! years of IM Membership lessons plus…

==> You can keep 100% of the profits!
Use FSF30 to drop price big!

The enhancements are extremely complementary additional gems:
* Special End of Year Deal of the Day bundle
* Special 4 Pack from Dennis Becker
* Access to the 168 written articles/blog posts from the Daily Seminar (Dennis himself had paid 34K for them)
==> Start your journey here!
Use FSF30 to drop price big!

Truly, this is one of the best no-brainers to invest in due to the Evergreen nature and quality content to get your 2020 off on the right start…
Content that can get you started today!

Sounds good? I think so – the gems you’ll receive here…

Well, they’ll get your 2020 off to a *fantastic* start.

Barb “Make it so!” Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

ps – Dimesale so price is increasing every purchase…
Use FSF30 to drop price big!
pps – We’re talking at least 3 years’ worth of Authority marketing Membership content… waiting for you!
Use FSF30 to drop price big!
Source: aWeber


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