Hey there,
Barb Ling here and this just crossed my path:
==> LinkedIn Checklist!
Your Benefits: You obtain PLR to a superpowerful LinkedIn Checklist you can claim as your own!
Brief, pithy and to the point:
LinkedIn is a hugely powerful networking resource… and not only can you use LinkedIn to gather your own leads, you can also rebrand this as your own to help you become The Consultant of Choice!
Tips you’ll be able to share include:
1. Creative Copywriting: How to Get Started
LinkedIn profile is an extension of your company’s brand. Like it or not, people judge your company by your profile, so you want to represent it well.
This checklist will show exactly how to improve and optimize your LinkedIn presence!
2. How to do Business with LinkedIn?
Businesses and organizations are looking for talented candidates for jobs on social networking sites such as LinkedIn. Thus, you need to have a good and detailed LinkedIn profile to grab the attention of your potential employers.
And this checklist will show you exactly how to achieve that.
3. Creating a Killer Student Profile: LinkedIn
Copywriting process can be divided in small and simple steps to ensure that everything goes smooth and you don’t get a writer’s block! This checklist will help you to be confident that your ideas, as well as your copy, are as compelling as it can be!
4. How to Setup Your LinkedIn Company Page?
Businesses that do not have their LinkedIn company page are massively limiting their potential to find new clients and customers.
This checklist will show you how to setup LinkedIn company pages for the best results possible.
5. How to Create a Marketing Strategy – LinkedIn?
The right LinkedIn marketing strategy can bring massive returns for business.
In this checklist you will find the steps that will help you develop unique and very powerful marketing strategy for your business….
==> That’s only the tip of the iceberg!
The benefits are truly huge.
And because this is a solo offer, buy thru my link and immediately receive my own
LinkedIn Marketing strategy pack!
Sounds good? Indeed… as this is PLR, it makes a superb lead generation tool to showcase to potential clients the benefits of Linkedin… and then add creating their LinkedIn profile/presence as another excellent service you offer.
Why not take advantage of that today?
Barb Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator
ps – Bonuses too!
Source: aWeber
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