>> THUD… one of the biggest packages imaginable… with THIS coupon?

Hey there,

Barb Ling here and imagine you had:

1. 95,000+ words of content from IM Inside Track
70 long articles with 5 or 6 articles each from 13 categories:

affiliate marketing
email marketing
income generation
passive income
product creation
self publishing
social marketing
traffic generation

These fresh articles average over 1,300 words each and have been used as membership content for a popular site of Dennis Becker, never sold with PLR before.

==> See the goodness here!
Use coupon FSF30 to take off big!

2. 81,000+ words of content from Daily Seminar, a membership site with content created by Jason Fladlien and Robert Plank.
There are 15 long seminar transcripts (average is over 5,400 words each), on the following topics:

Best IM Business Models for Beginners
Creating Impossible to Ignore Hooks
Give Your List What They Want
How to Conduct Ask Campaigns
How to Work for Long Stretches of Time
One Time Offer Strategies
Organize Your Business for Maximum Productivity
The Art of Controversy
Convert Failure Into Success
Daily Video Challenge
How to Fill Downtime
How to Give Testimonials
Quick Conversion Tips
Reactivate a Dead Customer List
The Refund Handbook

==> See that goodness here!
Use coupon FSF30 to take off big!

And finally:
3. 247,000+ words approximately of reports created by Sean Mize, 11 reports in total.
4. 4 full eBooks from Dennis Becker, former best-sellers on the Nanacast platform, total approximately 82,000 words.

Better Habits for Bigger Profits
How to Choose a Niche
Kindle Optimization Report
Unlock the Expert in You

Thus the total is over 500,000 words of premium (super premium!) that can be used as the basis for:

Blog posts
Coaching and/or training
Paid membership site content
Bonuses for purchase of a product of your own or as an affiliate
Used as scripts for Youtube videos or podcasts, etc.

In total there are more than 100 separate pieces of content, but any or all of them can be sliced and diced into multiple parts, suitable for a year or more of ongoing content to deliver to a membership site.
Or ideally, it can be used as inspiration for additional content with the buyer’s own personality injected.
==> Grab it now!
Use coupon FSF30 to take off big!

And because this is a solo offer, buy thru my link and immediately receive my own $497 eMail Marketing Phoenix (my own course for how to effectively mail your list for years on end)

Sounds good?

I think so – You’re only limited by your imagination.

Check it out today!


Grow strong,

Barbara “Work Smart!” Ling

ps – Ending soon…
Use coupon FSF30 to take off big!

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Source: aWeber


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