oOo ==> Got questions about ASM (Amazing Selling Machine)? Go here for answers!

(NOTE! This mornin’s goodies are awaiting you below but if you don’t like ’em, please do unsubscribe at – thanks!)

Hey there,

Have you heard about all
of the buzz about the
Amazing Selling Machine?

If Amazon is something
that appeals to you….
the VERY best place to
invest in it is

==> Jason and Wil’s Overdelivery Bonuses

It includes ALL these
powerful bonuses:

We’ll Do It With You (Again)
Join us (Jason Fladlien and Wilson Mattos) in a private Facebook Community where we’ll walk you through a product we’ve sourced and step by step how we’ll get it to make around $10,000 on auto-pilot.

Yes we reveal the product listing and everything!

In addition, in this private community here is a taste of what we’ve done in the past that is already waiting for you when you sign up below

Jason Fladlien’s Amazon Copywriting System – PDF download on exactly how to write the highest converting Amazon Sales Copy (has been tested and perfected on 172 different products)

Jason Fladlien’s peresonal notes to all 8 ASM modules (these will be released to you when each module is avaliable)

==> Catch those personal notes?

Follow along PDFs on how we get our labels designed from start to finish

Our exact process for finding and negotiating with suppliers

Two full day Amazon Seminar training recordings where Wilson and Jason share intimate details of our Amazon business

A private dedicated ‘best of’ blog where we catalogued the best and most informative content in our private Facebook group, related to Amazing Selling Machine.

And more!

What’s great is we already have a ton of successful members in our group who we helped when Amazing Selling Machine launched last year, so they’ll be able to help you as well, based on their own experience!

Note: You will get access to our private community within 48 hours of sending us your purchase receipt.

Bonus #2

3 Personal Coaching Sessions With Matson Or Morgan Magleby
These two brothers are are doing $100,000 per month… and no, they’re not one hit Garcinia Cambogia sellers, either.

==> Catch those personal coaching sessions?

We pay for these brothers’ time out of our own pocket and last time it cost us over $45,600. And get this – they didn’t want to do it again this time! It was a lot of work.

So we negotiated hard and I basically had to beg and bribe them to do it again. Now they’re in. You’ll either get Morgan or Matson to work with you for three 20 minute sessions.

Session 1: Product Selection – you’ll come to a private one on one web meeting with the potential products you want to private label. Then Morgan or Matson will help you pick the best one to go with in terms of ease and profitably!

Session 2: Keyword Optimization – I haven’t met anyone better at this than the Magleby’s… they’re much better than me at this. They’ll help you get all the best keywords for your product into your listing and get them optimized!

Session 3: From 10k to Beyond – once you hit $10,000 in sales, your third session will focus on adding another zero to that… and make it monthly!

==> Catch that addition?

In addition, you’ll be provided a recorded video from them on what makes a good product, which you can follow along with to help you prepare for your first consulting session.

Plus, you’ll get special video from them on some cool tricks and tips for Amazon Ads, too – of which these guys are absolute masters at!

Note: You can get started with this bonus during week 2 of the training and your sessions must be scheduled before the end of 2014!

Bonus #3

20 Minute Private, One-On-One Consultation With Jason Fladlien
I have already critiqued around 2,250 minutes worth of Amazon product pages, from previous Amazing Selling Machine customers who bought through our affiliate link.

In other words, I’ve done more consulting specifically for Amazon prodcuts than any other person on the planet. Seriously. No one has seen more products and listings than me.

Once you get your product page up, schedule your time with Jason Fladlien to go through it with you! On this call you’ll get insights such as…

Product Image Optimization to increase your conversions and rankings on Amazon – the image is the most important part of your listing and Jason will tell you exactly what you need to do with yours to get the best results!

Above the Fold Bullet-Point Optimization – most Amazon categories allow you to create around 5 bullet poitns for your listing… Jason will punch up all your bullet points to make them more effective and turning Amazon browsers into buyers of your product

==> Catch that optimization?

Product Description optimization – Jason will walk you through and help you infuse your product description with juicy benefits and subtle persuasion enhancers to help you make the most money possible

The Secret Order Bump Technique which Jason will share with you that can help you get people to order more than 1 of your product during checkout (no matter what type of product it is!)

And more

This call will also be recorded and sent to you so you can always reference it!

Note: You must claim this bonus between 5 and 12 weeks of the start of the course. Simply write to our support desk within that timeframe to schedule your consultation!

Bonus #4

Live Amazon Event With Rapid Crush!

In July 2014 (11th – 13th) there will be a full 3 day Amazing Selling Machine event, which you get to attend as ASM member. And just like the last two times, we’re going to do a pre-event full day seminar (July 10th) at the same hotel as the event.

==> Catch that live event?

So just fly in a day early – or if you can’t make it, don’t fret, you’ll be able to get the recordings – just like you get the recordings to our previous two full day Amazon training sessions!

Note: The live event will take place one day before the Amazing Selling Machine event in Las Vegas, Nevada on July 10th, 2014. We will live stream the entire day and the recordings will be available within 2 weeks of the live event.

Bonus #5

The ‘Best Seller’ Matrix Software

Every other ASMer will be fighting over private labeling from the top 100 best sellers on Amazon in approximately 20 categories. Not you. You have the only software of its kind that will let you sort any category and hone in on exactly what best seller rank you want to target.

Our users are getting better results for finding winning products (with a lot less competition) to private label with this software than any thing else they’ve tried.

Now you can join this small group of people who have this massive advantage. We will never sell this software. It’s only available if you join through our affiliate link.

Note: This bonus will be delivered during the first week of training via the private Facebook community.


So if you’re going to buy into

Buy it thru these folk.

They redefine overdelivery.

Grow strong,

Barbara Ling

I Make Marketing Profitable

| oOo ==> See for yourself!

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    Feel free to mosey on over to
    Barbara Ling, grab some smiles and tell your friends! Thanks so much… — Barbara Ling


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