Hey there,
Barb Ling here and ever hear of the very first Star Wars episode…. “A New Hope”?
Well, if it was playing in the marketing arenas, you might see it advertised as
Hope Not Hype Copywriting Goodness!
And some really cool ideas are shared, including this choice tidbit about bullet points:
The Quicker Benefit
The Easier Benefit
The Better Benefit
The “Even If” Benefit
The “Which Have You Overlooked?” Benefit
The “Surprising” Benefit
The “Avoid These Mistakes” Benefit
And that’s just ONE of the goodies you’ll discover!
Let the Force Flooooow!
Anything Dennis releases is solid gold…
Get you to this today!
Grow strong,
Barb “more profits faster!” Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator
ps – Get your unlimited buyers today!
Source: aWeber
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