Ends TONIGHT: Both PLR (20+ ways!) *and* rebranding is included that virtually *guarantees* bigger…

Hey there,

Barb Ling here and you probably know that sure, people *tell* you to build a list…

… but what if you’re not comfortable *mailing* that list?

What if you fear rejection?

What if you think people will get made if you send them affiliate promos in email?

After all, an email list is kinda sorta useless unless you put it go good use, you know?


Lean in *real* close-like and listen *very* carefully…..

You can get PLR rights to the latest by Dennis and me…

And that means you can put your name as the owner on it!

Why is THAT so cool?

Well, you can also give it away as a lead generator (I mean, who DOESNT want to learn how to email their lists confidently and increase their income?)…

Or you could sell it and keep 100% of the profits…

You can include your own affiliate links in it…

==> Heck we list 20+ ways you can use it!!

It’s just waiting for you!!

Grow strong,

Barb “I love big lists and I cannot lie” Ling
Authority marketing Innovator!

==> Look at the 2nd usage idea right after “Just copy and paste” (you’ll see the image) – isn’t that awesome?
Source: aWeber


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