Being the *first* to profit from holiday newsflashes including Black Friday?


Barb Ling here and here be the latest ready for your consideration!


BENEFITS: This is a “breaking news” newsdesk created for holiday marketing – not only does it give you the latest updates with just about any holidays imaginable, it also shows you how to relate current trends to your blogging/social marketing and more!

Who should consider this: People who are looking for cash in first regarding breaking news

Who should NOT consider this: People who don’t have the income to spare.

Obligatory humor: Black Friday is a scam. You should be mad they overcharge you 364 days a year


Brief, pithy and to the point:

One of the things that will help you increase your 202 income is to be known as THE authority in any particular niche.

And the holidays… well, there are literally hundreds of them in all countries every year!

You can create sales for each holiday OR….

Build a holiday store OR…

Take advantage of the festivities to drive traffic to YOUR money sites…


Thing is, not everyone knows how to find the latest breaking news in any or all niches…

Which is why I created the Breaking Holiday News Newsdesk

over at

The cool thing about this?

Not only does it give you the latest news and such…

It also provides you with one click access to all of holiday marketing products, Amazon affiliate offers, Nanacast and more…

PLUS gives you a yearly/monthly/daily marketing planner to help you profit as well!

==> See for yourself here!

This is something that really can help you put your finger on the pulse of holiday marketing and profits…

Why not check it out today?


Barb “More profits TODAY!” Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

ps – Less than $10 as well…
Source: aWeber


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