FINAL CALL: 1pm today, all shall be revealed…


Barb Ling here and this starts 1pm today….


Benefits: You get access to Dennis Becker and me for a grand challenge!

Who should buy this: People who want to beef up their bottom line

Who should not buy this: People who cannot afford it

Obligatory humor: The mountains aren’t just funny, they’re Hill areas! 🙂


Brief, pithy and to the point:

Let’s hear it from my partner!

“…Challenges have been a hot topic
lately, and I’ve personally purchased
two courses that show how to do them.

Though I’m basically a confirmed

I’ve always wanted to challenge myself
to show others how to support my family online
like I’ve been doing quite well for
15 years now.

I’ve done that with my writing and my
membership sites, but I’ve never put myself
“out there” in real time, on the tightrope,
with no safety net below me.


Tomorrow! we’re starting a
challenge called the Boomer
Magnificent Mooooola Online Challenge!

This isn’t just FOR the baby boomer
generation, though they would be a big
part of our target audience.

The boomers are myself and my business
partner Barb Ling. I’m one of the first
boomers, she’s one of the last. Anyway…

The time is certainly right to help
people earn more income. Even before
the pandemic, I’ve noticed that a
rather large share of my followers
consist of people retired and needing
more income.

And now, there are many more that are
out of work, and the government money
only goes so far, after all.

So, even though you do probably know
some of the steps you need to take to
start earning or to scale up your
current earnings, I intend to challenge
you to get serious, and to learn more.

Over the course of 5 days, with a 6th
day to recap, answer questions, give
some surprises, and more, we’ll show
you what you have to do to succeed.

My intention is to practically force
you, if you cooperate, to be earning
more soon, certainly within 90 days…

Hopefully sooner.

The daily webinars won’t be yawners,
most should be less than an hour, and
will be held this Wednesday, Thursday
and Friday, and then the following
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, all at
1 p.m. eastern time.

If you can’t make it live on any or
all of them, we’ll provide recordings
to those who register.

This is paid, because I want attendees
to be fully committed to taking action,
and (if my partner Barb Ling had her
way, it would be at least $197, but
I convinced her to remove a digit
or so).

More information is here. Sign up today
and I’ll see you today!


Have a spectacular day.

Dennis Becker, the 5 Buck Guy

P.S. I promise you, this is definitely
something you’ll enjoy, but more than
that it’s something that should put
money in your pocket, if you’re up
for the challenge. ”


Grow strong,

Barb “More Profits” Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

ps – OMG What we’re giving during this!!
Source: aWeber


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