Your Friday Morning Perkup – NEW Fb Privacy checks, got scammed, Last Call, eMail Marketing Class, concrete Sleep, more!

(NOTE! This mornin’s goodies are awaiting you below but if you don’t like ’em, please do unsubscribe at – thanks!) .


| oOo ==> LIFETIME Magpreneur LAST CALL
| (LIfetime Mobile App Creation…
| WHY: 3 Day Sale on Creating Magazine Apps
| LIFETIME Membership site…. see below!


It’s, umm, hang on.

Yes! It’s Friday morning and guess what.

My kid got scammed. Said kid
bought a collectors plushie off of
eBay and just found out…. it’s
a fake. Some jerk took a look-alike
plushie and sewed on fake tags
of authentication. 🙁

Good news is, kid gets a powerful
lesson early on in life!

We talked about it and kid will
be making a video to share with
friends about how NOT to get
scammed. So all in all… it
ended well.

And! I slept last night! For me this
is a miracle – yesterday was extremely
non-optimal so yep. Things are a bit

Got lots to share but first:

Facebook Rolls Out Privacy Checkup For All Users

Will you do that?

and onto today!

Looking to master eMail marketing?

You might have noticed that
I have a specific technique
when it comes to eMail
marketing…. ‘matter of
fact, there are months I
clear over 20K from it!

Want my secrets?

I’ll be giving a paid
Web Ticket Event next
Friday over at:

eMail Marketing Phoenix 2.0

Now, this is version 2.0 of
my extremely popular last
class… and you’re going to
LOVE the techniques I share!

Price right now is at the lowest
it will be – $97 (and it will INCLUDE
the 3 week mastermind that will

All the details are below….
and trust me. I’ve been doing
this now since June of 2012 and

The techniques *work*.

Reserve your spot today!

And these end TODAY!

Want you…. a HUGE Labor Day
sale and discount for owning
the mobile app magazine niche?

==> ALERT Magpreneur Labor Day Sale!

To wit from Amber:

So the reason for this message today, is we’ve had several people asking about a couple of things:

==> (1) The ability to create magazine apps
for others (businesses, clients, friends)


==> (2) We’ve been asked if we
would ever considered re-opening
the lifetime options that we had
at the very beginning.

Today I want to address both of these for you.

First – let’s talk about creating magazine apps for others.

You know how big the local industry
is in IM – and has been even for apps
for companies. Unfortunately, many
admit that they’ll download an app
for a local business to get a discount
for doing so, open it once, and if it’s
just an app about the business itself,
location, etc., they never open it again
because it’s not really useful.

But you know how much better a
magazine app can be…

==> See it here!

So what if you had the ability to
create magazine apps for local businesses
to keep their customers and potential customers interested?

Think of magazines like Fitness,
Women’s and Men’s Health magazines,
and so on. These same concepts could
be transferred to a local business such
as a gym or a health food store.

If they created a magazine app,
with USEFUL information and regular
articles, wouldn’t you think people
would be interested in reading it?

Having that magazine app could have
people from all over interested in what
that business has to say. I know of
cases where people will travel sometimes
1-2 hours, just to go to a specific store
that isn’t local to them to buy products.
I’ve even done it.

==> Unlimited Possibilities…

Plus, these businesses can include
ads for their own products and
services, sales and specials, or
they could include complimentary
businesses and offers.

My point is this: if you would
like to add the ability for you to
create magazine apps for clients,
we’ve got two options for you.

==> See for yourself!

And this ENDS tomorrow!

Kate Rieger’s latest PLR Masterpiece is out!

| oOo ==> Sizzling niche (I should know)

Now, I’ve been doing fitness myself
now since, oh wow… ever since
I lost 50 pounds.

And HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training)
is *hugely* popular.

Rabidly popular I might say.

And look at all the goodies
you get!!!

Income PLR Collection

HIIT – 60 Second eBook; 5,000+ Words, 20+ pg. eBook 20+ page ebook

2D and 3D eCovers

Complete product sales funnel

| oOo ==> Catch that done for you sales funnel?

Affiliate Product Rolodex

Authority Content Collection

10 Premium alternative practices niche articles

5 Premium Amazon Product review

3 Page Book Review Amazon Best Seller

Sales Teaser Presentation

| oOo ==> Catch those Amazon reviews?

2 Key Point Outlines

List Building Content Collection

Tabata Turbocharged Lead Gen Report

Complete squeeze funnel

Relationship Building Collection

21 Done-4-You Autoresponder messages

21 Fitness tips in unique graphics (ideal for social media)

10 Custom HIIT Workouts

33 Custom HIIT Workout Posters

| oOo ==> Catch that 21 Autoresponder followup?

At the low dimesale price it
currently is right now….

This is definitely a
HUGE no-brainer indeed.

And because this is a solo offer
buy thru my link and immediately
receive the rather HUGE package:

Weight Loss Simplied (ebook, sales funnel,
audios, tweets, website, more!)

Sounds good?

Indeed – Kate is known for
quality and she *always*

Don’t forget yesterdays:

Brief, pithy and to the point!

Want to get business professionals
to proactively ask for *you* and
Your services?

If so, check out this:

| oOo ==> Only 33 pages zero fluff!

Build a massive presence and brand in only 10 to 20 minutes per day…page 1

Use LinkedIn’s extensive setting controls to super charge the reach you get out of your content…page 3

Set your communication settings on LinkedIn to get your message out to your connections…without opening yourself up to meaningless messaging yourself…page 8

Use groups and especially the group email notifications to get your marketing messages out fast and to the right people…page 11

Set your account for stealth mode…so you can infiltrate entire niches (like dentists or roofers) without alerting your target audience…page 13

| oOo ==> Catch that stealth?

Create a branding strategy for yourself, your business, or a client’s business, which you can implement in only minutes per day…page 16

Find your best target audience and laser focus your efforts just on them…page 17

Hone in on your target audiences’ pain points so you can hit ’em where it hurts with your marketing messages…page 18

Easily find content you can curate and re-purpose for your LinkedIn content marketing…page 20

Organize your curated content so you can spend only minutes a day posting, yet dominate and control a massive market…page 22

Create content that gets hundreds of page views almost instantly…Just like Gloria taught Lee to do…page 23

| oOo ==> Catch that content?

Interject yourself into hundreds of ongoing conversations right on LinkedIn and get noticed the right way…page 24

Blog on LinkedIn…page 27

Easily find curated content for your blog…page 29

Set up your own 10 – 20 min per day system just like Gloria does…page 30


And because this is a solo
offer, buy thru my link
and immediately receive:

LinkedIn For Business

Additional ways to build
up your LinkedIn presence!

Sounds good? I think so –
LInkedin is where the professionals
go…. so if you want to step outside
the tiny fishbowl of IM….

Check it out today!

See for yourself!

Don’t forget yesterdays:

Brief, pithy and
to the point:

Want LIFE to access to
quality PLR that goes above
and BEYOND merely the
IM Niche?

| oOo ==> She ghosted for John Reese, Rich Schefren, more!

You’ll get everything:

eBooks and Reports
Blog Posts
Full Content Funnels (yes, they’re yours)
Email Autoresponders
Presell Reports
Keyword Packs
Resell PLR…and much, much more.

This includes 100s of content
goodies…. truly a once in a lifetime
opportunity. Highly recommended –

Tiff was around back when
I started out and yep.

Utterly brilliant she is.

Don’t forget this mornings:

Did you see this goodie that
shows how simple it REALLY
is to master SEO?
Even if you’ve never
tackled the subject before?
| oOo ==> Newbie friendly – SEO demystified
Ever wish you could
understand SEO… and people
would view YOU as the
person to buy from
regarding it? Or even…

Using what you learn
for your own profit?

Even if you’re a newbie?

Well, did you know that
there are tons of sites
online that give you the
insiders SEO edge… if
only you knew how to find them?

| oOo ==> Get started within minutes of downloading

This is Volume 2 in my Beginners series…
and shows you exactly how to
target SEO resources, communities
and much more, and begin to
grow your reputation as THE
SEO Authority of choice
and profit from it too!
(AND buyers will receive
the SEO Authority Mobile
app for free when it’s

And the GOLD version! There,
you’ll receive her own personal
SEO Feedly resources, done-for-you
eBay Buyers Keywords, a one
page SEO Masters cheatsheet
and more!

| oOo ==> Catch that gold?
This dimesale so the
price is rising with every
If you’ve ever wished
for THE secret SEO
It’s now waiting for you.

Don’t forget our favs:

==> Create Cool Mobile Apps Lifetime Membership!

==> Special 1 Problem/1 Solution (my list only discount)

==> EASIEST Way to Build Sleek Optin

==> 37 Ways To Grab Leads (Zero cost!)

==> The Better Life Sequence (Zero cost!)

==> Zero cost affiliate training from the
super popular NAMS group:

==> Marlon Sanders Big Book of Secrets

==> 21 Powerful Copywriting Tips…. Zero cost!

==> Special 6 in 6 coaching $1 trial

==> Magpreneur Magazine App Builder


Thank you for bring on my list – I will continue
to do my best to bring you the latest and
greatest of all marketing updates and will be sure
to touch base with you this afternoon
with all the latest goodies…

Grow strong,

Barbara Ling
I Make Marketing Profitable

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| About the Author: Barbara Ling has been a mover and
| shaker on the Internet since 1989, and has been an
| online trainer and marketing pioneer since 1997.
| Designer and creator of Barbara
| she has taught thousands of entrepreneurs how
| to master affiliate marketing, product development,
| networking growth and more. Author of over 50 books
| and ebooks, her educational style is denoted by
| motivational, humorous, fun and easy to understand
| targeted writing.
| Nowadays, she is best known for teaching
| people from all walks of life how to be successful
| on the Internet. For more information, please visit:
| Perking Up Profits!
| >>

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    Feel free to mosey on over to
    Barbara Ling, grab some smiles and tell your friends! Thanks so much… — Barbara Ling


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