Chapter 1 – it all started because of Mario Brown. Also Ben Adkins. You see….

(NOTE! This mornin’s goodies are awaiting you below but if you don’t like ’em, please do unsubscribe at – thanks!)


| oOo ==> 6pm EST Wednesday = Special
| List Building 2.0 class!
| BENEFITS: Zero-cost class on list
| building for a powerful 2015!

Hey there,

You know, it all started back in May.

May of 2013, that is.

That was the weekend that I
spent attending Mario Brown’s
Online Marketing Mastery thingee
in San Diego.

Great time that was (Ah, to be
able to walk without a cane!) but
you know the one thing that
stands out in my mind (besides
going up on stage) was the following!

Mario had mentioned this thingee
that really helped him build lists

And the look and feel of the
squeeze pages… sweeter than
chocolate covered macadamia
nuts nestled in warm yummy
caramel! They just compelled
visitors to opt in.

Now, here’s the kicker.

| oOo ==> The *goodies* you’ll walk away with!

I had seen Ben Adkins use the
*same* software with the same

2 power marketers…. that’s
good enough for me!

So I bought the tool myself.

It’s something that is a pure
no-brainer for any serious
marketer to use! ‘matter of
fact, *all* of my webinar
optins use it… and here’s the
best part.

| oOo ==> You’ll be offered quite the goodie
| when you attend this class for free

See, that’s the thing about
working smarter and not

You find what *works* and then
you make it work for you!

Honestly, that time in San
Diego was priceless….
especially what happened
behind the potted plants.

But that’s a story for
tomorrow. 🙂

See you at the class!

Grow strong,

Barbara Ling

| oOo ==> Space is filling up, reserve your spot today!

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    Feel free to mosey on over to
    Barbara Ling, grab some smiles and tell your friends! Thanks so much… — Barbara Ling


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