Chapter 2 – What was behind that potted plant in San Diego? You see….

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| oOo ==> 6pm EST Wednesday = Special
| List Building 2.0 class!
| BENEFITS: Zero-cost class on list
| building for a powerful 2015!

Hey there,

In Chapter 1, I revealed
how the above class had
its roots in the May 2013
Online Marketing Mastery
event that I had attended….

And I referred to what happened
behind the potted plant.

But before I reveal that, I
wanted to ask you a question
about your overall online profits….

Specifically, those profits that
result from your products and
sales pages.

When you think about writing
sales pages, do you shriek with
joy and excitement and bounce
through your hallways, flinging
fresh daisies to your family
and leaping like a gazelle?

Me neither. 🙂

Gosh, sales pages are *hard*,
aren’t they?

| oOo ==> Unless you use this!

But here’s the coolio thingee!

Remember how I had mentioned
that I first heard about this from
Mario Brown and Ben Adkins?

I just saw yesterday that Ben
is using this software to build….

(get this)

his OWN sales page!

Now, stop for a moment and

If a master marketer uses
this not JUST for list building…
but ALSO for sales page…..

| oOo ==> There’s probably a VERY good reason!
| and you’ll see it here Wednesday!

Wouldn’t you agree?

Anywhos! About that potted plant….

You know how I try to get to
the gym every day?

Well, when you’re at the conference,
you kinda sorta cant, you have to
use the hotel gym instead.

But what if you have things
you do *hourly*?

Like, 100 jumping jacks an hour?

Or a mile walk every hour?


Oh wah. My kids are calling.
Sorry for the delay, but I promise
you… Chapter 3 will show you
that never to be forgotten scene!

Grow strong,

Barbara Ling

| oOo ==> Space is filling up, reserve your spot today!

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    Feel free to mosey on over to
    Barbara Ling, grab some smiles and tell your friends! Thanks so much… — Barbara Ling


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