[ Handful of ] you’ll never guess it, Publicity Insider Goodies, Mobile Goodness, PLR, Calendars, more!

| oOo ==> Presto Publicity
| http://awpt.co/BSOYS?e=
| YOUR BENEFITS: How to tap into quality

| publicity online you’ve never considered for you, your clients,
| your sites and more!


It’s Thursday morning and due to the wonders
of being smart (yes it happens! 🙂 ) It’s packed.

I have to incorporate physical therapy but
business-wise….spent an hour working backwards
on my calendar for my 3 products currently
in development. Woot! They will be:

1.) 3 week Personalized eMail Marketing Mastermind –
limited slots

2.) 3 week Personalized Facebook Community Mastermind –
limited slots

3.) FB Crystal Ball – how to zero in on pages that have
a HUUUGE number of links but very little interactions

Stay tuned! I wrote more on my blog at
http://barbaraling.com – you can see it there.

Got lots to share but first:

Handful of:


And onto today!

Looking for a powerful way to increase
your visibility where it *really* counts?

If so, lookie here!

| oOo ==> Presto Publicity
| http://awpt.co/BSOYS?e=

This is by Rachel Rofe who not only got on the
cover of a major magazine, but ALSO is supremely
well-known in marketing for her social marketing
savvy, Always-Can-Do attitude and more.

When she talks, smart people listen…you’re
going to love what you learn!

And did you see:

Mobile marketing goodness!

| oOo ==> Pre-launch mobile training!
| http://awpt.co/4gzxb?e=

Zero-cost webinar today….sign up above
for some truly stellar mobile learning.
Good stuff!

What’s that? You’d prefer PLR instead?

Well then!

I love evergreen because it’s popular year round!

And even better when it’s green as well!

Renewable Energy….: don’t you

want to utterly dominate this niche with
done-for-you goodness?

Can you even *begin* to imagine how much is spent
on clean energy? Over 105 Billion!

Well then if you’re into niche marketing/PLR/videos/etc., lookie here!

| oOo ==> Hundreds of clean energy exact match…

| http://awpt.co/T9YiC?e=

This contains:

* 100s of exact name matches

* 50 High Def Amazon Affiliate Renewable Energy videos (all products OVER $100)

* 155+ Renewable Energy PLR Articles you can spin/blog/etc.

* 4 Renewable Energy eBooks PLR!

* Headers!

* Footers!

* Automatic blog posting plugin!

So if you want a headstart in crushing the
Renewable Energy Niche:

| oOo ==> Done for you EVERYTHING for 2013 Renewable Energy!
| http://awpt.co/T9YiC?e=

Don’t forget yesterdays:

Video marketing!

Tuesday, this went live (note – the sales copy is NOT slanted
to video marketing, but have no fear – it’s PERFECT for it!)

| oOo ==> Benefit from 1-step curating other’s video content!
| http://awpt.co/p9MSN?e=

Here’s why this is grand.

See, the theme allows you to create a video-oriented
DIGG type of site….

AND…the plugin lets you automatically populate said
site with whatever feed you’d like.

Think: Youtube Feeds!

For example my YouTube feed is:



Look at this.


That was generated randomly from my Youtube channel. BUT!

==> *Notice my optin on the right???*

Pause for a moment, aye?

Think about….

Your channel.

Your FAVORITE channels

Power marketers channels.

What if you were to gather the feeds to all those channels…..
and instantly build a DIGG like site for them?

The possibilities are limitless!

| oOo ==> Covert Social Press (you can include video channels too!)
| http://awpt.co/p9MSN?e=

What’s that?

You want mobile templates instead?

Well then!

| oOo ==> Mobile Restaurant templates
| http://awpt.co/rWpUv?e=

These are 8 nicely vivid *niche* restaurant
mobile landing pages….giving you a perfect
seeing is believing calling card when attracting
local offline clients. Nice!


Auction webinar….you can now register
for it!!

| oOo ==> Jason Fladlien’s Auction Webinar
| http://askbling.com/jfauction

Jason does this every year in which REALLY
stellar products will be sold at insane savings….
it lasts all day AND when you register thru
my link…send me your receipt and I’ll give
you access to my SSCST!

Stay tuned….


And did you see:

| oOo ==> List Animal eMail 2.0 (savings end this week!!)
| http://awpt.co/fHoCi?e=
| WHY: The future of eMail. I bought the one time
| only lifetime fee myself. It’s just plain good sense to
| make your email lists redundant.


Brief, pithy and to the point:

Step 1.) Imagine what you would do if you
lost your aWeber or GetResponse account

Step 2.) Pretty miserable, aye?

Step 3.) Take advantage of making your
email marketing as redundant as possible –
have a backup in place like:

| oOo ==> List Animal eMail 2.0 (savings end this week!!)
| http://awpt.co/GRF5Z?e=

It will be out of beta this Friday and the price
will jump HUGELY.

Grab the lifetime savings. I did. Ones list
is one’s business… and if you ever lose your
lists, you’ll be up the proverbial paddle without
a creek.

| oOo ==> Lifetime Option available, 25K contacts, more!

| http://awpt.co/GRF5Z?e=

That about covers it for now…woot!

I’ll be sure to check in with you this afternoon
with whatever goodies cross me desk!

Thanks again for being on my list…
I’ll continue to do me best to bring to you
updates about the most valuable resources I can find
for you online!

Grow strong,

Barbara Ling
I Make Marketing Fun!


ps – Why do I send so many emails?
http://www.barbaraling.com/insights/how-you-will-learn/ explains
it grandly and why you’ll never want to unsubscribe!

pps – Love the humor and headsups I share? Please feel free to forward
this email to your network and share the goodness at
http://forms.aweber.com/form/99/1167373799.htm – they’ll
thank you for it!

ppps – do remember to get on

==> Breaking IM News

if you’d like Infotainment with your IM learning!

pppps – I have a whole slew of targeted niche goodies if you’d like to
scope them out, including Offline, SEO, List Building, Linkedin and
10 more (over a dozen!). See them at

==> Niche Goodies Mailing Lists

Niche Goodie Mailing Lists!

You’ll love what you discover!

| About the Author: Barbara Ling has been a mover and
| shaker on the Internet since 1989, and has been an
| online trainer and marketing pioneer since 1997.
| Designer and creator of Barbara Ling.com
| she has taught thousands of entrepreneurs how
| to master affiliate marketing, product development,
| networking growth and more. Author of over 30 books
| and ebooks, her educational style is denoted by
| motivational, humorous, fun and easy to understand
| targeted writing.
| Nowadays, she is best known for teaching
| people from all walks of life how to be successful
| on the Internet. For more information, please visit:
| Barbara Ling Mastermind
| >> http://www.barbaraling.com/shows/biosphere
| More goodies!
| >> http://DailyWSOs.com
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Internet…or offline, for that matter. An educated consumer rocks!

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