I’ve got GRAND news for you!
You’ve probably heard about Google
Hangouts, right?
It’s a free way Google lets you make
(among other things)
superEasy, quick and profitable videos.
I use hangouts myself a huge amount…
it’s a grand way to connect with your
audience, let them know what to
expect and more (heck, see today’s
over at !)
But did you know….you can ALSO use
Google Hangouts for far far FAR more
than merely that?
That’s why I’m kinda sorta bouncing
off the walls with excitement – I got
you Zane Miller (Mr. Google Hangouts
himself, creator of Tube Method) as my first
Perking Up Profits show guest for
Monday, June 3rd at 5pm!
Definitely grab your seat NOW:
Caffeinated Google Hangouts Secrets 5pm EDT
You’re going to LOVE the actionable
ideas Zane is going to give you for free.
Good stuff indeed – hope to see you there!
Grow strong,
Barbara Take Control! Ling
I Make Marketing Profitable!
ps – the sheer amount of product creation
goodness you can do with hangouts…
it amazes even me. See you on the call!
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Barbara Ling, grab some smiles and tell your friends! Thanks so much… — Barbara Ling
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