==> JUST Announced: "Move from $9.97 to $97 Products" Web Ticket Event!

(NOTE! This mornin’s goodies are awaiting you below but if you don’t like ’em, please do unsubscribe at – thanks!)


| oOo ==> Create $97 Authority Products Caffeine!
| http://askbling.com/make97
| BENEFITS: My latest Private Web Ticket Event:
| shows you step by step how to move from dinky little $9.97
| reports to $97 products and above!

Hey there,

I’m extremely delighted to announce that my
next Web Ticket event is scheduled for Friday at
2pm EST, 12/13/13!

This powerful bootcamp will teach you everything
you need to know to move out of your low ticket
product rut and start creating $97 products that

Included, you’ll learn:

Prelaunch special: Create $97 Authority Products!
==> http://askbling.com/make97

As promised – my next exclusive Paid Web Ticket Event is now available to reserve! This will take place on Friday at 2pm, EST Dec 13th, 2013!

This is a hardcore bootcamp event that will take you by the hand and show you how to move from dinky $9.97 reports to $97 and more products. During 2013, I’ve done this over 8 times, so you’ll be getting proven techniques that *work*.

Here’s some of the goodies you’ll learn:

The 7 Profitable Pillars of $97 Authority Product Creation including:

Pillar 1.) Smart $97 Authority Product Core Philosophy – What type of $97 products are the best for YOU to create? What’s the easiest way to simplify the entire process? I share with you my own personal experiences from making over 8 $97 and above products this year!Once you have the philosophy in mind, you will then learn the art of:

Pillar 2.) Hooking Your Customer From The GetGo – What are the specific benefits you can hit upon so customers want to buy? (HINT – I’ve already incorporated this technique in this sales letter!) $9.97 to $97 might seem a bit of a jump, unless you know *how* to hit those emotional chords with your reader and compel them to learn more.

==> http://askbling.com/make97

You know just why your customers need this new $97 product of yours – now it’s time to master:

Pillar 3.) Strategic Blueprint Creation – It’s the process that counts. A $97 product can be a single Paid Web Ticket event, a 3 week mastermind, etc…. but just *how* do you determine what benefits/tools to include? Do you include videos? PDFs? Mind maps? Reports? How do you structure it so your customers can begin to implement it immediately?

After internalizing this section, your product outline will become crystal clear – you’ll be able to deliver it in the timeframe that works best for *you*.

And delivery? Forget just plain deliver – next, you’ll learn:

Pillar 4.) Powerful OVERdelivery – The best way to retain customers is to utterly *wow* them from the get-go. The community you provide, the unannounced goodies, the way you handle all aspects of learning! At the end of this pillar, you’ll have at your fingertips a number of ways you can overdeliver from autoresponder followups to reports to social groups and beyond!

Catch that Overdelivery?
==> http://askbling.com/make97

But no matter how good your product is, unless you have that like-know-trust factor taken care, you need to ensure your sales page *rocks*. Which brings us to:

Pillar 5.) Sales Page Secrets – Benefits, benefits, BENEFITS. When do you use a Like/Know/Trust page and when do you use a full-blown sales page? Where can you find the best copy tips? And affiliates! Do you want them? Do you instead want to hook up directly to Paypal yourself?What about upsells? I mean gosh – you just increased your price to $97….what can you use for an upsell? I have that answer for you as well!

At the end of this pillar, you’ll know exactly how to structure your $97 sales page and how to position it to provide you with the best possible results imaginable. This puts you in the *perfect* position to pounce upon:

Pillar 6.) Turning On Traffic – A sales page is great, but you need quality traffic to it as well! In this pillar, you’ll learn how to utilize social media, your own launch pad site, free lead generators and more to get the MOST qualified visitors alerted to your must-have $97 product.

Catch that traffic goodie?
==> http://askbling.com/make97

And once you have all of the above completed, it’s time to tie everything together and make money via:

Pillar 7.) Flip The Switch! – THE definitive pillar that will provide you with the best structure and funnel to see your sales rise.

The bonuses are hugely powerful as well ($888 worth) as you’ll see on the page.

All attendees will receive recordings of the class plus the handouts as well!

And as always… price will increase in the near term. Right now it’s at the rather ridiculous price of $97 but by the day of the class, it will have increased to $150 and then go to retail at $197. So… reserve your seat today!

That about covers it – please feel free to ask any questions here!

Prelaunch special: Create $97 Authority Products!
==> http://askbling.com/make97

Price *will* be increasing soon, so reserve
your spot today.

Grow strong,

Barbara Simplicity shines! Ling
I Make Marketing Profitable!

PS – It’s a limited time offer:
==> http://askbling.com/make97
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    Feel free to mosey on over to
    Barbara Ling, grab some smiles and tell your friends! Thanks so much… — Barbara Ling


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