☕ Your Tuesday Perkup: Defective hardware, Affiliate flips, eCom Drag Drop, Recurring monthly goodies, more!

Barb Ling of the “rainy weather does this” morning perkups here!

Lots of updates that I’ve shared at our “Growing older is not for the faint of heart” newsletter over at:http://askblings.com/p091118Goodness includes:* Storm
coming* Accepting worsening healthand of course, all the goodies that went live/closes soon (think 10 2 tier affiliate program, Automated Software, Flip sites, drag/drop eCom, Recurring Monthly profits,
more)​​​​​​​And of course, our morning MooseNCoffee.Hope you enjoy!Best,Barb LingUnrepentantMaverickAuthority MarketingInnovator
Source: WarriorCM


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