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Brief pithy and to the point:
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1. Google Keyword Tool Introduction and Ad Group Ideas 4:50
2. Google Keyword Tool Keyword Ideas Introduction 6:47
3. Google Keyword Tool Keyword Traffic Trends 8:17
4. Primary Niche Keyword Phrase Selection 5:16
5. Google Search Engine Competition Research Introduction 7:25
6. Google Search Engine Direct Competition Research 7:09
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7. Google Trends: Annual Keyword Trends Research 11:08
8. Google Trends: Popularity By Location and Relational Niche Research 10:35
9. Domain Name Selection Strategies: Exact Match and Branded Domains 10:05
10. Bulk Exact Match Domain Availability Search Without Software 9:11
11. Initial Site Topic Planning and Organization 2:26
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Grow strong,
Barbara Ling
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Barbara Ling, grab some smiles and tell your friends! Thanks so much… — Barbara Ling
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