Hey there,
Barb Ling here and it’s Paul Myers’ latest!
Well then!
==> Killer Content!
Your benefits – you discover how to compel people to share your content, join your fanbase, and buy off your recommendations and more
Brief, pithy and to the point:
Want you to uncover… this?
What really matters when you’re trying to get someone to do something?
The most dangerous mistake you can make in any form of writing.
It is possible to be too good. How to know when you’re doing it, and, more importantly, how to avoid this nasty and expensive mistake.
How to find your own, unique voice – and why that’s critical to your success with any type of content. Including sales copy.
How to create articles that draw in prospects, subscribers and targeted traffic, faster and more certainly than anything you’ve probably seen yet.
Why humor can be your best friend – or your worst enemy.
How to overcome fear of writing.
Why stories are the most effective form of writing, and how to create one that will outpull anything else you can write. (The formula is simple. I even show you this ‘live,’ and write one right in front of you!)
The right mindset for creating real killer content, and how to develop it quickly.
How to deal with critics. (This one might surprise you.)
The one thing you should do before you ever set finger to keyboard – every single time. Nothing else will have as big an impact on your success as this one simple step.
How to look at feedback properly, and how to get a ton of it.
The two commandments that every writer must obey if they want to succeed. (Yes, there are really only two “must do” commandments)
What it takes to get people to do things they know they should do, but never get around to doing.
The three magic words that determine how much attention people pay to your content, and how to make each one a regular part of your writing.
Creating outlines that make your work many times faster, and significantly increase the number of projects you actually finish.
How to develop a commanding style for your writing.
The 6 primary article types you should know, and a simple formula for each.
Why being yourself isn’t just a good idea, it’s a must. Screw this up and you lose.
Why the ‘AHA!’ moment is so important to your customer – and how to give it to them.
Why “Keep It Simple, Stupid” may be the stupidest idea you ever hear.
How to edit yourself, without editing the life out of your work.
How to ensure that every piece is crystal clear and flows smoothly, from start to finish.
==> Even more!
This goodie by Paul Myers (a veteran in our industry) reveals the above… and ‘way ‘way more….
Methinks you’ll find it quite the bargain indeed.
Grow strong,
Barb “More Commissions!” Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator
ps – bonuses too!
Source: aWeber
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