Hey there,
Barb Ling here and this is SOOO good – software that writes press releases for you! (coupon is built in)….
Coupon Built In!
Your benefits: You get software that writes press releases you can then sell as a service and more!
Did you see this?
To wit:
“…Start Selling Press Releases to Local Businesses Right Freakin’ Now!
(This is so easy a house cat could do it!)
Okay, so here are the steps:
Contact business owners and tell them about your press release service…I use LinkedIn, network meetings, past and present clients,…and one more “stealth” method I can’t reveal to you!
Show them a press release you’ve published. (If you’re just starting, you can just show them someone else’s in an ethical manner.not taking credit for it.)…This is what I call my easy “show and sell” method of selling. Huge close ratio on this!
Ask them what’s happened recently that’s new in their business.
Suggest you whip out a press release for them.
(Look, to get started, you can offer to handle all the details for free! All they have to do is pay for the writing and publishing..about $400.)
You’re going to be amazed at how many businesses say yes to this…”
The enhancements are fantastic too!
Done for you Press Release Marketing Package
Press Release Empire Coaching
==> Start your journey here!
Coupon Built In!
And because this is a solo offer, buy thru my link and immediately receive my own
Press Release Strategy Pack
My own collection of the best PR marketing goodies out there!
Sounds good? My gosh yes – Lee is a proven provider for things like this that fly off the shelves…
Definitely grab this one otday.
Grow strong,
Barb “more buy buttons!” Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator
PS: The software has everything you need…
Coupon Built In!
Source: aWeber
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