Barb Ling here and this just crossed me path!
==> Blogging for Profits
This goodie gives you all of this and and more!
How to profit from your blog using Adsense, selling advertising, creating your own products.
How to find a hot niche to build your blog around.
How to choose the right domain name and web hosting
A simple 5 step process to installing WordPress, the 3 ways to find a theme, and detailed instructions on how to install a WordPress theme – making the techie stuff a breeze!
How to customize your blog and the 8 areas to focus on customizing
How to find a hot selling product that you can choose to promote as an affiliate
The art of promoting an info product like a book or course
How to drum up dozens of content ideas in a matter of minutes
8 easy ways and places to get content ideas
How to write Tips and How To articles
The 4 steps to writing a product review
3 ways to get traffic from other peoples blogs
How to get product vendors to promote your blog to their market
The many ways to drive traffic
5 tips for keeping a consistent blog and promotion schedule
It is woefully underpriced…
And price can increase at any time.
Check it out today!
Grow strong,
Barb More blog profits! Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator
ps – as you might have seen in my latest, I recommend blogging as THE easiest way to start getting up to profits as quickly as possible. And this makes it easy!
Source: aWeber
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