Chapter 1: Terrifying Twitter Budgie Terror Transformed by….


Barb Ling here and Ill never forget this day awhile back.

It was a beautiful sunny day here in NJ and I had just returned from picking up a new TwitterBudgie for Honorable Son II (the last one had passed away).

Well! You know how parakeets, if theyre not handtamed, are extremely nervous birdies?

The new TB was caught by a towel (!) and thrust into a small cardboard box (can you see Twitter Budgie terror in your mind?) and then handed to Honorable Boy II.

Get this – once we returned home, HS2 put the box on top of the cage, opened the end of it, and simply waited for the birdie to emerge. And once she did, he (again most patiently) coaxed her onto his finger and let her climb up and down him, nibbling on his shirt and hair.

Now, you might be wondering…

…how did HS2 manage to do this? Well, not only was it patience.. but he also gave himself permission to do what HS1 screamed NOT to do (Youre going to SCARE IT MORE! RED ALERT! RED ALERT!)

Giving yourself *permission* to succeed. Its the way you begin to craft greatness, wouldnt you agree?

Speaking about Twitter Budgies, I once created a Twitter Budgie WP plugin back in 2008! Such a creative and fun idea and took me less than a day to bring to reality….

Even though I had *never* tackled WP plugin creation before.

Wouldnt you like to enjoy uncovering one of the *easiest* ways to succeed as well (this time, to the tune of several K per day)?

Ive seen the inside, and I know for a fact… it sure does work *brilliantly*.

You can sign up for the zero cost webbie about it as well!

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And get ready to hold onto your socks, because youre going to *adore* the value you receive.

Grow strong,

Barb More commissions! Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

ps – Seats limited….
Source: aWeber


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