COUPON: FB Chatbots made simple with AI?

Hey there,

Barb Ling here and this just crossed my path:

==> FB Ninja Bot!
Use coupon 10offaibotninja to drop price!

Your Benefits: You get access to AI technology to builds a chatbot!

Brief, pithy and to the point:

Did you know you can get super high openings by using bots?

Here are some of the benefits:

Flow Editor
Our rich media Flow Editor lets you easily program your Messenger bot with images, videos and attachments against the questions you get asked the most from your customers.

Train Your A.I
Training your chatbot to understand complex queries is not a hassle on the AI BotNinja platform because we take of most of the heavy lifting. You only have to add the right tags to the right flows to train your bot and preview of the A.I learning live and in real time.

Simple Analytics
Get the metrics that matter for your business from the dashboard. Iterate from our simple reporting feature to improve the conversation rate.

Collect Leads
You don’t have to bother with forms anymore because you can collect all the relevant information from your leads with our User Input feature built right into our flow editors. Unlike our competiors, there is no fee and you can store unlimited custom fields per lead.

Drip Campaigns
Manage unlimited drip campaigns from your dashboard to drive revenue by following up with your leads. We use white hat Facebook API’s to create great customer experiences for your users while increasing revenue for your business.

==> See for yourself here!
Use coupon 10offaibotninja to drop price!

And because this is a solo offer, buy thru my link and immediately receive my own

Bots strategy pack!

Sounds good? I think so – done well, bots can help build your business 24×7…

Why not take advantage of that today?


Barb Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

ps – Bonuses too!
Use coupon 10offaibotninja to drop price!
Source: aWeber


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