Cpanel PLR: 9 Videos of Classified CPanel secrets (business in a box and…


Barb Ling here and … SO NICELY DONE!!

==> EZ Pin Traffic PLR!

Your Benefits: You get a Business in a Box extremely *hot* topic you can brand/profit from (and keep 100% of the profits!)

Brief, pithy and to the point:

I simply *love* how Jason personalizes these Businesses in Boxes.

That really does cover it!

I mean, check out these titles:

Video 1: Introduction to cPanel
There are so many cPanel videos out there that cover the basic features of cPanel, but they never really dive into the core of what cPanel offers. Youll be shown features of cPanel that you can use to truly take your business to the next level of success, not just to maintain your website.

Video 2: How To Use The Video Tutorials Feature
Not all cPanel users are aware of this feature and often overlook it. Did you know that cPanel already provides you with a lot of basic tutorials within itself so you can use the basic features? The videos are ok – not extensive, but they do the job.

Video 3: How To Create MySQL Database and Insert Data Into The MySQL Database
When it comes to installing a database it is actually a very easy thing to do. However, with that said, how do you go about inserting data into the database if you ever need to? This is often underutilized but definitely needed in the future.

Video 4: How To Use Awstats And Apply It To Your Business
Knowing what goes on in your website is crucial. Whats the difference between Awstats and Google Analytics? Not only will you be given an overview of Awstats, but youll learn different features of Awstats that, if used correctly, can help you increase your website traffic and protect it as well.
Youll learn how people are finding you, what keywords they are typing in the search engines, and how to use that to your advantage. Youll also learn who is linking to you, for good reasons or even the bad so that you can protect yourself.

Video 5: What Softaculous Is And How To Use It
Softaculous replaces Fantastico, which was a popular suite of software scripts that may fit many aspects of your business. It gives you access to blogs, bulletin boards, support helpdesks, and more. Youll be given an overview of this suite and how to use it properly, and well also show you how to install WordPress with a few clicks of your mouse using this.

Video 6: How To Set Up An Error Page And A Redirect
Did you know that you could be losing traffic when people land on areas of your site that dont exist? This is where the 404 error page comes in. What if you could redirect all that traffic back to your main page or a working area of your site? Well, in this video youll learn how to redirect traffic from your error pages back to your main site.

Video 7: How To Use File Manager Effectively
FTP is not the only way to upload your files. In fact, cPanels File Manager not only uploads your files, but you can delete files, create directories, create and extract zip files, edit files, and so much more! This is great, especially if you need to install scripts too. Best of all, you can do everything without any fancy software and do it on any computer that has access to the Internet.

Video 8: Email Authentication
Its about time you learn the basics of protecting your email box from spam. In this video, youll learn how to tell cPanel to do just that and authenticate all the emails that are coming out of your domain as legitimate emails.

Video 9: How To Back Up Your Websites And Restore Them
Have you ever created a document and forgot to save it, and then you lost it? This is one of the worst feelings, especially after youve spent hours creating the document. The same goes for your websites. If you dont back up your websites on a frequent basis, then you are in trouble. Websites take days or even weeks to create, so protecting your asset is an absolute must.
Hard drives fail on a regular basis, so keeping a backup of your websites is very important, so that if something bad does happen, you dont have to start from scratch. In this video youll learn how to not only back up your websites, but how to restore them so you can get them up and running again.

==> Grab em all here!

And what can you do with all this goodness?

Why you can:

* Add the videos to your paid membership site

* Apply the info you learn to other PLR offers

* Convert the content into regular blog posts

* Create a podcast episode series

* Create lessons for your coaching

* Create physical products from it

* Create viral giveaways on Facebook

* Offer it as a bonus to your paid offers

* Rework the content into your webinars

* Sell it on Amazon Kindle

* Sell it with basic rights, or master resale rights

* Sell the video series directly

* Sell the videos as backend offers

* Sell the videos in DVDs

* Translate and sell in multiple languages

* Turn it into paid email series

* Use as a bonus for your affiliate offers

* Use content as part of your new products

* Use content for your newsletters

* Use videos to build a huge list

==> Start your journey here!

Methinks youll find this quite the bargain…. Enjoy!

Grow strong,

Barbara More commissions Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

ps: its waiting for you…

==> So nice having a done for you sales letter too (thats included as well)…
Source: aWeber


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