Ditching the hype but more profit? (PLR option available!)


Barb Ling here and this just crossed me path!


BENEFITS: you discover how to increase sales without resulting to skin-crawling hype

Who should consider this: people who want more sales

Who should NOT consider this: People who don’t have the income to spare.

Who said it?: “Marketing is no longer about the stuff you make, but the stories you tell.”


Brief, pithy and to the point:
Tired of writing sales copy that is, well, blah?



Want instead:

Lesson One
The Most Important Part Of Your Salesletter (It’s Not What You Think)
What is the most important part of your salesletter?
If you’ve spent any time learning about copywriting, then you’re probably thinking it’s the headline.
It’s important, but it’s NOT the most important part. And neither is the postscript, the call to action, the opener, the price, or any other part of the salesletter you may have in mind.
If you’re not emphasizing the most important part, then your letter is going to fall flat. And this lesson reveals exactly what is the most important part and how to optimize it for maximum sales because, in doing so, you’ll be telling your prospects exactly what they need to hear in order to say “yes” to your product.

==> See it all here:

Lesson Two
Attention Please – The Three Essentials Of Hope-Filled Headlines
What’s the secret to creating an effective headline? It needs to address these three components:

The Ideal Customer
The Ideal Outcome
The Ideal Time Frame

And inside this lesson you’ll find out how to incorporate these three pieces to create the perfect hope-filled, high-converting headline. You’ll learn how to get attention in a way that causes your prospects to smile instead of cringe. They’ll be happy to read your page instead of happy to click away to some other page!

==> See it all here:

Lesson Three
How To Turn Your Introduction Into An Immediate Connection
Now that you have your prospect’s attention, your introduction needs to build on your headline and hold that attention. After all, you can’t communicate how your product can deliver what the prospect is looking for unless he or she keeps reading.
The primary way to keep attention is by truly connecting with your prospects in a way that they’ve rarely experienced before. That is, you want to provide hope by showing your reader that you understand their challenge and have first-hand experience with successfully overcoming it.
How do you make this “kindred spirit” connection? Answer: by using one of the three surefire openers revealed inside this lesson.

==> See it all here:

Lesson Four
5 Ways To Help Prospects See Your Product As The “Best Buy” For Them
Even though your product is absolutely wonderful, you probably have some competition out in your marketplace. When your prospect lands on your salesletter, they’re going to be wondering why they should buy YOUR offer rather than one of your competitors’ offers.
Your salesletter needs to answer that question and reassure your prospect that your product is the “best buy” for them (assuming that it is). If your salesletter doesn’t offer this reassurance, then you run the risk that your prospect is going to click away in search of another hope-filled offer.
Let’s make sure your prospects stay on your page and realize your product is a good fit. That’s why this lesson gives you five ways to keep your prospects on your page and show them your product is the perfect fit for their needs.

==> See it all here:

Lesson Five
The Two Best Ways To Offer Added Assurances Of Your Claims (So People Believe You And Buy From You)
At this point in your salesletter, you’ve shown the prospect that you understand their problem, you’ve introduced your product, and you’ve explained your product is the best fit and best solution for them. You’ve created hope in your prospects.
But here’s the problem…Your prospect is a little skeptical.
You see, they’ve been down this road before. They’ve had their hopes stirred up before, only to be crushed later. So while they’re feeling hopeful, they’re also hesitant. They’re just not sure if your product can deliver on its main promise.
The solution? You need to prove your claims. You need to show your prospects that others before them who were in the same position as your prospect had the same hopes, and that those hopes were realized. This shows your prospects that their hopes and dreams can be realized too. And this lesson shows you exactly how to do it!

==> See it all here:

Lesson Six
7 Simple Statements You Must Make In Your Bullet List Of Benefits
Now we’ve arrived at the point of your salesletter where you’re going to explain the benefits that your prospect will receive when they use the product. This section helps remove any doubts that the customer might have – and since doubt is the opposite of hope, this section also naturally builds hope and gets your prospect excited about your product and what it can do for
And inside this lesson you’re going to get tips, templates and examples of seven time-tested benefit statements that are sure to generate excitement.
Here are the seven types of benefits your bulleted benefit list ought to include…

The Quicker Benefit
The Easier Benefit
The Better Benefit
The “Even If” Benefit
The “Which Have You Overlooked?” Benefit
The “Surprising” Benefit
The “Avoid These Mistakes” Benefit

Are you overlooking any of these types? And are you using them the RIGHT way to generate sales? You’ll find out inside this lesson.

==> See it all here:

Lesson Seven
Four Ways To Give Them Hope By Offering To Give Their Money Back
By this point in your salesletter, your prospect really wants your product. They’re hopeful that it can solve their problem, help them achieve a goal, or help them better enjoy a hobby.
And yet there’s still that little voice in the back of her head that says, “What if this doesn’t work for me? Then what?”
That’s where a guarantee comes in to reverse the risk and let your prospects buy with confidence. If you want to boost your conversions, then you’re going to want to check out this lesson to discover four surefire ways to create a powerful guarantee that gives your prospects complete confidence that they have nothing to lose and everything to gain by buying your product.
As you can tell…

This is a HUGE gem of a goodie…

Take advantage of that today!


Barb “More profits TODAY!” Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

ps – PLR option available too!
Source: aWeber


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