Easy bots that can do this for you… profit-wise

Hey there,

Barb Ling here and this just went live!


==> BadAssery Bots!

Your Benefits: You can get FB traffic leads for pennies… then turn them into buying customers…. via bots!


Brief, pithy and to the point:

Want to profit via FB Messenger Bots?

Well then!

Imagine you knowing:

Bot Badassery Module 1
In Module 1, we hit the ground running by covering what bots are used for as well as the distinct advantages of using messenger bots vs. when not to use them.

This provides a solid foundation of understanding so that when we get into the strategy of dominating with messenger bots, you’ll have a clear understanding of their power and exactly how they are best applied.

Bot Badassery Module 2
In Module 2, we jump right into the messenger bot service that we recommend: ManyChat.

We take all the confusion out of messenger bots right away so that you are comfortable and familiar with the service and the strategies behind messenger bots for the rest of the course, so you never feel lost.

We recommend ManyChat for multiple reasons: it only costs $10 to start, it’s the clear leader among chatbot applications, and they offer the best service with the most up-to-date features. They also work closely with Facebook to make sure that messenger bots and their use are completely, 100% compliant, which helps us, the marketers succeed.

Bot Badassery Module 3
The term, “Growth Tools” refers to any method that we use to get subscribers into our messenger bots.

And another reason we use ManyChat is that they offer the most substantial and advanced growth tools available. In Module 3, we cover them all.

While Facebook ads are a huge part of getting bot subscribers, it’s not the only way and after you go through Module 3, your head will be spinning with ideas on how to get new bot subscribers and, in turn, how to optimize your process and monetize those subscribers in many different ways.

Bot Badassery Module 4
In Bot Badassery, we’ve taken great care in taking the “scary” out of messenger bot technology…meaning you do NOT have to be a “techie” to use them (we certainly aren’t).

To help with this, we devoted Module 4 in its entirety to showing you exactly how to set up your messenger bot and ManyChat from “A to Z” specifically for use with the strategies we show in later modules.

This is incredibly important so you’re never lost and you can utilize your messenger bots to their fullest potential.

Bot Badassery Module 5
What good would messenger bot training be without showing you exactly how to set up and run FB ads to them?

In Module 5 we “deep dive” into our #1 ‘secret’ Facebook ad type with full transparency so you know exactly what works and what to avoid.

You see everything…the ads, the copy, and even the targeting methods we use for optimal performance in filling our messenger bots with ready-to-buy prospects.

Bot Badassery Module 6
In order to get ManyChat and Facebook ads to “shake hands” so the people that click on your ads enter your bots and become subscribers, we have to use a technology called “JSON”

Don’t worry, it’s easy. And Module 6 takes you through the process step-by-step so you literally follow along in a “click here, click there” format so you’ll be an “old pro” at using JSON in no time.

Bot Badassery Module 7
Another of our favorite methods of getting messenger bot subscribers and communicating with them is via the use of something called, “Messenger Ref URL”

Don’t let the name scare you…it’s simply a link that your visitors click that gets them into your messenger bot so they become subscribers.

Once we go through how to use it, we go into specific strategies on how to dominate with it…even showing you how Shawn got an $1,800 client in one afternoon by putting it to use with another, more traditional marketing method.

The Messenger Ref URL strategy is extremely powerful…don’t let it’s simplicity fool you. This is money if used correctly.

Bot Badassery Module 8
You’ve constantly heard that “the money is in the list!” from people talking about email lists.

But with email lists, you’re doing really well with just a 30% open rate!

What if we told you that we’re consistently getting a 90%+ open rate with our messenger bot broadcasts?!?

Not only that, we’re getting similar click-through rates. Meaning that when you broadcast to your messenger bot subscribers using our strategies, you’ll immediately see a huge increase in engagement and sales.

==> Imagine no longer!


And because this is a solo offer, buy thru my link and immediately receive:

FB Bot Strategy Pack

My own collections of the best how-tos regarding FB Bots!

Sounds good? Most definitely…. after all, FB bots generally get a 100% open rate so….

What’s not to adore?

Grab it today!

Grow strong,

Barb “work simple!” Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

ps – Did you see the uses?
Source: aWeber


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