Ends 11:59pm TONIGHT: These simple done-for-you pages can 4x your income (along with my $497 bonus)


Barb Ling here and very quickly…. (it’s ending tonight!)…

It’s Omar and Melinda’s Black Friday Special and ooooo…

You’re going to love what’s waiting for you!!

You see….

Did you know you can insert just one tiny page in your marketing efforts to 4x your profits?

See… Conventional wisdom tells us that all you need to make money is some traffic and an affiliate link but that kind of thinking is just flat out WRONG.
You’ve got to insert a page between the traffic and the offer if you want every affiliate campaign to ROCK.

So what’s this secret page called?
And even better than that, they have tested, tweaked, and perfected them into a done-for-you funnel platform that you can access right now and get people to buy LIKE CRAZY!
==> See for yourself in this nifty video:

You’ve probably seen the names ‘Omar and Melinda Martin’ on some of the top leaderboards in the industry but trust me… they’re not doing anything that you can’t do! They’re just an average married couple from Orlando florida that have nailed down a platform for attracting commissions.

Their platform is called Commission Magnets platform, and the best part is everything DONE FOR YOU!
That’s right, you barely need to lift a finger. All the designing, testing, tweaking and other techie work has been done for you!
If you need (or want) an substantial injection of CASH into your affiliate marketing business then you need to take a look at Commission Magnets and learn what it’s all about!

Watch their demo here….

You’ll love the special savings!

And because this is a solo offer, buy thru my link and immediately receive my own $497 mastermind:

eMail Marketing Phoenix

which gives you my own tried and true techniques for maxing out my email marketing include.

Sounds good?

I think so – heck, I know so! I remember chatting with Melinda and Omar back at an event in 2012…. even then, it was obvious they were destined for greatness….

… and that greatness you’ll be able to take advantage of yourself!


Barb “Black Friday Specials!” Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

ps – Want more info? Behold!

You’re Getting…

INSTANT AFFILIATE APPROVAL – No more waiting and hoping you get approved to promote. With Commission Magnets you are INSTANTLY APPROVED to promote our 7 core products that each convert over 7% of traffic into buyers AND net you between $1 and $3 PER VISITOR! This is awesome because most vendors typically shy away from affiliates that don’t already have a ton of sales and experience. With Commission Magnets you’re
in like flynn!

SECRET JVZOO APPROVAL CODES – We’ve even negotiated instant approval for you with a bunch of our partners! Now Commission Magnet members get approval codes for an additional 19 products! You need this because now you’ll have a total of 26 products you can instantly start promoting and making money with! No more waiting and praying for affiliate approval.

40 (YES FORTY) ORIGINAL BONUS PRODUCTS – This is an absolute no brainer because you are getting a huge variety of unique, valuable and ATTRACTIVE products to give away as incentives for people to BUY THROUGH YOU! You need this because it spares you months and months of hard work creating bonus products plus it saves you all the expensive costs involved with outsourcing such a product creation nightmare! We’ve already

CUSTOMIZABLE CLOUD HOSTED BONUS PAGES – Your 7 DFY bonus pages aren’t just done for you they are also HOSTED FOR YOU! You WANT this because it spares you the aggravation of setting up a domain name, server settings and all that technical nonsense. Plus lets not forget the COSTS of having to pay for hosting. With commission magnets your hosting costs are zero.

DELIVERY DOCS – Your bonus products are already placed into beautiful PDF documents for easy deliverability to your customers. This is super convenient for you because the docs are easy to deliver right inside of JVZoo or via email so you never have to zip up bonuses or use file sharing networks to deliver them.

You’re ALSO Getting…

CLOUD HOSTED MONETIZED DOWNLOAD PAGES – You can send your customer direct to a download page instead of giving them a delivery doc. This is super smart because it enables you to advertise more products to your customers THROUGH YOUR AFFILIATE LINK. We do all this for you automatically… zero work on your part.

HIGH PERFORMING TRAFFIC MATERIAL – Every one of your bonus pages comes with 6 professionally copy written post adverts and 6 proven emails to market with. That’s a total of 84 custom marketing pieces! This is such a huge benefit for you because you can focus on making money instead of writing and testing your own sales copy.

BUILT IN STATS AND TRACKING – You no longer need a scientific calculator to figure out exactly how your bonus page is performing and how much money you’re making. This is important because you won’t waste time and money on split testing or link cloaking software. The system connects to JVZoo FOR YOU and shows you exactly how your bonuses are performing!

FACEBOOK FRIENDLY AFFILIATE LINKS – No more banhammer from the social media titan. You can share your Commission Magnets links on Facebook without fear of reprise! This is super convenient AND protects your facebook account because direct linking to affiliate offers is frowned upon but Facebook likes Commission Magnet bonus pages!

EASY TO UNDERSTAND TRAINING – This training is the cherry on top of you perfect commission sundae. You can finally going to learn the “WHY” and “HOW” thats has held you back for so long. These are a bonus – don;t worry you can start making commissions even BEFORE you watch the training. If you want to become a Commission Expert then watch the 5 modules at your leisure.

Lets Add Up Everything You’re Getting

Full Access To The Commission Magnets
Members Area
7 Done For You Commission
7 Bonus Pages (Hosted For You and
Downloadable OP2 Template) $1497 VALUE
7 Download Pages (Hosted For You and
Downloadable OP2 Template)
7 Marketing Material Zips (42 emails
and 42 posts)
7 PDF Delivery Docs $97
40 Original Bonus Products (To use
in any/all of your campaigns) $7880 VALUE
Commission Magnets Video Course (Over 6
hours of training) $497 VALUE
Downloadable Reference Material and
Resources $97 VALUE
30 Day Money Back
BONUS: GPC Doc filled with guaranteed
approval codes for JVZoo $197 VALUE
Generic Bonus Kit (Use this to promote
any product of your choice) $497 VALUE

Commission Magnets Total


But don’t worry, because you are finally at the right place at the perfect time! You don’t have to pay $17,059 to create your own affiliate marketing system. You don’t have to invest all the time and energy that we did either.
You can get this entire DONE FOR YOU Commission Magnets system for a super low price right now because We’re giving you $100 OFF if you join before the time runs

See for yourself here!
Source: aWeber


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