Favor to ask.



| ==> Favor to ask:
| Kicking Fate In The RIGHT Direction SURVEY
| http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/CQRPHNZ

| WHY: This will help me help you achieve your goals

| bigtime…please do fill it out, thanks! |

Brief, pithy and to the point – I’m structuring out
the rest of 2013 and would love to know what
you’d like to learn most! So could you please
do me a favor and answer this quick survey over

| ==> Favor to ask:
| What YOU want to learn!
| http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/CQRPHNZ

See, I’m in the zone for presenting web classes,
sharing resources and the like…and knowing what
you’d like to learn will help me ensure I meet
your needs best!

Thanks so much.

Grow strong,

Barbara I like PPC that works! Ling
I Turn Chaos Into Simplicity

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    Feel free to mosey on over to
    Barbara Ling, grab some smiles and tell your friends! Thanks so much… — Barbara Ling


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