FINAL CALL 11:59PM: COUPON: Let's talk about that 800K Evergreen premium IM Words… that I used…


Barb Ling here and very quickly… here’s the 3rd goodie in the Flash sale fun event (that is ending EXACTLY at 11:59pm tonight!)

(and note – the savings from 32K (that Dennis spent, mind you), back to the already bizarrely low sales price, along with the >>*extra* 30%< 800K Premium IM Words PLR!
Use coupon FSF30 to drop the price of EVERYTHING in the funnel… 30%

Your Benefits: I used this to help create the full 5 products IN the funnel!


Brief, pithy and to the point…

Recently I updated the 5 product sales funnel goodie:

Passive Affiliate Marketing

In said funnel was:

A Cheatsheet

2 brand new branded ebooks

511+ Niche Marketing Resources

A 10 video set of eMail Marketing for Newbies

And you know something?

I made them SOLELY from the 235K/320K/800K IM Premium IM Words content PLR that we had released earlier!

==> Here’s the 800K Premium IM Words PLR offer…
Use coupon FSF30 to drop the price of EVERYTHING in the funnel… 30%

And there PLR options?

You get a deal on the original 235K, 320K and 800K Premium IM Mastery Words PLR…

PLR made simple (even for newbies)

How to store all your big huge PLR files on Amazon S3

==> Start your journey here!
Use coupon FSF30 to drop the price of EVERYTHING in the funnel… 30%

Sounds good? Methinks so… it really spells out exactly how you can profit like I did….

From content you didn’t originally create as well.

What’s not to adore?

Grow strong,

Barbara “More buy buttons!” Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

==> LAST CALL: Ends TONIGHT 11:59pm EST!
Use coupon FSF30 to drop the price of EVERYTHING in the funnel… 30%
Source: aWeber


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