Barb Ling here and …
Did you know you can take the material offered here and create your own profitable product funnel from it?
Look at the image below!!
All of those products… I made from Volumes 1 and 2!!
And I’ll bet you could do the same thing.
In a nutshell….
Let me ask you:
Ever wish people bought from you first online, no matter what niche?
Ever want to make products without having to learn the material first?
Or ever wish you were seen as seasoned authority online complete with over a years worth of quality content?
How much money could you make if you already possessed those thousands of pages of authority-building resources?
* 1K a month?
* 3K a month?
* 10K a month?
Well, youre in luck today.
Dennis Becker and I are offering a Flash Sale Fun goodie for the 4th volume of (and btw, the first 3 received Deal of the Day) :
Quick Content Volume 4: 325+K Premium IM Words Content with PLR for Multiple Uses Including Memberships
And in a nutshell
==> See for yourself
Use coupon FSF30 to drop price big!
Were talking brand new PLR content most of which never before released:
1. 85,000+ words approximately of content from Daily Seminar, a membership site with content created by Jason Fladlien and Robert Plank.
There are 15 long seminar transcripts (average is 4,800 words each), on the following topics:
A Guide to Positioning and Branding
All About Email Headlines and Topics
All About Headlines
All About Interviews
Customer Service for Internet Marketers
How to Recruit Affiliates
How to Write Sales Letters in Your Head
Neurological Chemical Theory of Human Behavior (yes, this does apply to Internet marketing and what you do!)
Popup Tactics
Seminar Tactics
Software Principles in Internet Marketing
Super High-Impact Front Ends
The Key to Joint Ventures
The Real Truth About the Law of Reciprocity
The Ultimate Niche Market Research Plan
Next, you’ll have waiting:
2. The BEST handpicked Sean Mize goodies, including (were talking 23,000+ words in the following lessons:
3 Components that have to be in Place to Build Your Online Business
A Guaranteed Tactic to Beat Your Competition
An Exact Plan and Strategic Example for Tripling Your Revenue in the Next Year
Champion=Presence Based Marketing
How to Build Success Out of Failure
How to Create a Master Product Plan for Your Business
How to Find Out What Challenges People Have
How to Move Customers Through Pricing Levels in Your Funnel
Maven Influencer Blueprint YouTube Focus
Quick Tip: How to Take Risks That Build Your Business
Tactics to Keep the Cash Flowing in Your Business
The Secret to Generating Buzz with High Quality Content
The Traffic Firestarter
Why Youre Not Achieving Your Business Goals (and what to Change So You do)
(and ooo, youll love this:
*** transcripts of the entire Reverse Funnel System course, an utterly brillant course, that when implemented, unlocks your potential future profits (to the tune of 4 times or even more). This package, *alone*, is worth hundreds of dollars and yet is included in this extremely special launch.
And you know what this means?
It means that you will possess over a YEARS worth of massive quality IM authority content
you could use for all sorts of things (blog posts, coaching and/or training, paid membership site content, bonuses for purchase of a product of your own or as an affiliate, used as scripts for Youtube videos or podcasts, etc.)
==> See it here!
Use coupon FSF30 to drop price big!
And the enhancements?
They’re so astoundingly good:
* Resell rights to this huge amount of content so you can keep 100% of the commissions
* PLR and resell rights to the entire 169 Daily Seminar videos and audios
* Covert Affiliate Authority
==> Start your adventure here!
Use coupon FSF30 to drop price big!
Seriously, you can apply this evergreen content to any niche imaginable.
Grow strong,
Barb Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator
ps its less than the cost of dinner out but dimesale so price is rising with every sale!
Use coupon FSF30 to drop price big!
pps what would you do with an extra couple thousand a week or month? Your mind will spark with ideas:
Use coupon FSF30 to drop price big!
Source: aWeber
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