Hey there,
Barb Ling here and remember that group coaching I had mentioned that Dennis and I are doing?
Well…. the dear man has gone even more caffeinated than me (how is that possible??) and …..
Well, let me share his own words. To wit:
…But more than telling, Ive been working to make it the best possible experience anyone has ever had in a program of this nature.
For example…
A reader sent me a note asking if it was suitable for very raw beginners.
I said no, not really, but then got to thinking… why not?
Thats a huge market that were overlooking, and expecting to do their own learning like we did in the beginning, 20 years ago.
That was painful. Expensive. Ouch.
It took me 3 years to get it right.
I got to thinking about how to provide basic skills training for members, and after weeks of puzzling, I woke up at 3:30 a.m. one morning and my subconscious had figured it out…
So in the last week Ive been working to fix that shortcoming, and I can now confidently say that DAB Group Coaching caters to not only the intermediate and experienced online marketers…
… but also to beginners too!!
And feel confident saying that, since lots of marketers say that, but how many ARE that?
Ive started to load up the content for beginners, and Im seeing something that I didnt expect…
… some of that content is actually information that Im a little shaky on myself.
So as much as we think we might know enough to be successful, we never know everything, do we?
Even with the added investment in expense for the additional training (done by a professional, I had no desire to reinvent the wheel), and the time involved to put the training onto the site, the price hasnt changed.
There are well over 500 training videos involved, with matching audios and transcripts for those who learn better those ways, by the way.
Not a small bit of work at all.
My partner Barb Ling and I are committed to make DAB Group Coaching the absolute best experience available anywhere at any price.
To convince you, were temporarily offering a 7-day trial period for just a tiny dollar, so you can get inside, look around, see whats there now and whats coming in the future, and decide if its right for you. Take it for a spin. Just a dollar.
See what I mean at:
==> http://askbling.com/dabcc3
The man is unstoppable, wouldnt you agree?
Its an honor to be his partner.
And even better….
You should be prepared to hold onto your socks when you check it out because….
Theyre going to be knocked off bigtime!
Grow strong,
Barb Make it so! Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator
ps – Its so cool to be able to say we can change the lives of ALL marketers…. seasoned, experienced, newbies…. even those who have yet to give themselves permission to try. Make sure to benefit from it today (tis only $1 to try!)
Source: aWeber
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