It can even be high-ticket (and ends up delivering profit to you every month?

Hey there,

Barb Ling here and very quickly…

Want you none of the bestest secrets regarding continuous income?

Well then!

Dennis just made this available:

Your Benefits: You discover the cool art to creating long-term sales profit

Brief, pity and to the point:

Imagine you knew the following ahead of time:

* The platform/continuity mistake that can kill your business (page 6)

* The `Buyers attitude’ secret that causes members sites to fail (page 7)

* Why choosing the right delivery method for your product is vital (page 8)

* The `All in’ lump sum method (page 8)

* The best model for keeping a high retention rate (page 9)

* The high-ticket model that requires no content (page 10)

* The `no platform’ model I used to start a six-figure continuity (page 10)

* And why you can have the above model up and running in 24 hours (page 12)

* Why most marketers call continuity `a hard sell’ (it’s not if you do this) (page 13)

* The MOST IMPORTANT THING in your entire model (page 14)

* The content configuration I currently use (page 15)

* And the ONE THING that your content must provide (page 15)


Along with Dennis’ additional goodness he’s added:

“… I normally like to provide deep
discounts when I first release
something like this, but this
time I’m doing something different.

Instead of relying on price cutting,
which in this case isn’t necessary
due to the extreme value of the
main report, I’m going to add to
the value without increasing the
price at all.

I’m including a copy of one of my
former best sellers, “Community
Marketing”, and a copy of something
that I just finished writing today,
which is a report on my thoughts
and experience with memberships.

The good, the bad, the ugly, through
the years.

While I’m not deep-discounting the
package, it is definitely at an
affordable price.

Using the information inside, you’ll
learn how to set up your own site
for recurring income.

One such site, a handful of members,
and you’ll make your investment back
many times over.

Or if you already have a site, you’ll
likely learn how to monetize it much
more profitably than you currently

Pick up Brick-Simple Continuity,
along with all the included bonuses,
and next week, if not tomorrow, you
could be profiting…”

Grab it there!

Honestly… the man knows exactly what, why and how he’s doing everything he does…

(it’s one of the reasons why I love partnering with him)…

I can recommend this wholeheartedly indeed.


Grow strong,

Barb “More Buy Buttons!” Ling

ps – Don’t forget the other 4560408 bullet points of yumness on the sales page
Source: aWeber


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