LINK FIXED: Fantastic FB Marketing Kit – 100s of tutorials, checklists, swipes, templates, more!

NOTE! Editor was awakened late last night by the Kingly Moose trying to hide in the poodle-sized space below my bedside desk. Pix tomorrow. Editor needs coffee and apologizes for wrong link. — Editor

Barb Ling here and very quickly – did you see this?

==> Massive FB Marketing Kit
Link at end

Your Benefits: You gain 100s of tutorials, checklists, swipes, templates, more!

Brief, pithy and to the point…

Pardon me for this briefness, but would like you ramp up:

* Your List

* More Customers

* Making more moola via FB

Well Then! Seriously, these kinds of packages can go for $197 or so…
==> Start your journey here!

Here’s just 1 of the goodies included!

Order now and also get a package of 20 checklists that are suitable for printing. These checklists are more than your typical checklists. These are mini-blueprints you can use to create more profitable social media campaigns! Here’s what you get when you order now…

1. The Ultimate Social Media Marketing Checklist – Maybe you’re thinking about using social media to grow your business. In that case, you want to be sure you get off on the right foot. Or perhaps you’ve already started using social media, but you’re not getting the results you want.

Either way, this checklist will give you the strategies you need to put social media to work for you!

2. The Social Media Strategy Checklist – So you’ve been thinking about marketing your business on social media, which is a very good choice. After all, your prospects and customers are probably already on these platforms.

But here’s the big question: What is going to be your primary goal for your social media strategy? You need to pick just one overall goal, and then design your campaign around achieving this goal. And this checklist shows you the top five most profitable goals and helps you decide which one is right for you!

3. Your First 1000 Followers Checklist – Once you launch your social media campaign, your first task is to get at least 1000 followers. That’s because 1000 followers makes it easier for you to kick off viral campaigns, get a good discussion going on your page, create a “social proof” effect that will lead to an even bigger following, and more.

So how do you get those critical first 1000 followers? By using this eye-opening checklist!

4. The Social Media Content Scheduling Checklist – There are plenty of marketers and business owners who employ a “seat of the pants” scheduling style for their social media campaigns. And, not coincidentally, there are also a lot of marketers and small business owners who are sorely disappointed with their social media results.

Point is, if you want to get good results, then you need to plan and schedule your content. That’s what this checklist and set of questions will help you do!

5. The Daily Social Media Productivity Checklist – It’s pretty easy to spend hours on social media. But who has that kind of time? You need to get in, get out, and make the most of whatever time you devote to your social media strategy on a daily basis.

So how do you do that? By using this social media productivity checklist that covers the three main steps you need to take:
1. Creating
2. Listening
3. Engaging

==> Download this blueprint today to get all the details!

6. The Outsource and Automate Your Social Media Checklist – Working on your social media campaigns can easily suck up a lot of your time each day. OR you can automate them and make them as hands free as possible.

If that second option sounds good to you, then you’re going to want to put this outsourcing and automation checklist to work for you!

7. The Ultimate Guide to Content Ideas Checklist – Take a look at just about any successful social media page, and you’ll quickly see that most people post a variety of content to keep their audience engaged. What’s more, if you’re posting on multiple platforms, then you’ll naturally need a variety of content.

So where do you get all of these content ideas to keep your audience engaged? That’s what this checklist will help you do!

8. The Content Creation For Social Media Checklist – It’s no secret that a good social media strategy relies heavily on you having plenty of awesome content to share. But the problem is, creating all that content yourself takes time! Next thing you know, you’re burning up big chunks of every work day just creating content for your social media campaigns!

Is there a better way? You bet there is. And this checklist will show you how to create content faster and easier than ever!

9. The Facebook Business Page Set Up Checklist – More than one billion people are already active on Facebook, which makes this platform a superb way to reach your audience. And if you run a business, Facebook offers you the opportunity to set up a business page to directly reach your audience. Let this checklist show you how to get your profitable Page set up quickly and easily!

10. The Facebook Live Checklist – If you’ve spent any time on Facebook lately, you may have received notifications when your friends and favorite business contacts went live. Maybe you’ve even tried the live videos yourself, but the results didn’t exactly bowl you over.

Would you like to get better results? Of course you would! And that’s exactly what this checklist will help you do. Order The Facebook Marketing Kit now, and in moments you’ll discover the secrets for creating engaging live videos that boost your viewership and lead to more subscribers and sales!

11. The Social Selling Checklist – If you start tossing up a bunch of direct-response ads on your social media platforms, your audience is going to run you out on a rail. Or at the very least, they’re going to be clicking the “unfollow” button.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t sell on social media. You just need to be sure that the “social” part comes first, followed by the selling part. And inside this mini blueprint you’ll discover three proven methods for selling on social media!

12. The Facebook Paid Advertising Checklist – Facebook has a tremendously powerful paid advertising platform, simply because you can target your audience in ways other platforms can’t even begin to offer. Not only can you target by the typical demographics such as gender or location, but you can also target by interest and even visitor behavior.

13. The Facebook Private Group Checklist – One of the problems with a Facebook Page is that it’s difficult to really get into a good discussion. As you post things throughout the day, the older posts drop off. What’s more, your visitors can’t start discussions. Sure, they can post in the “visitor posts” area, but not very many people will see those posts.

So what do you do when you want to create a good discussion? Simple: you start a secret or closed Facebook group. Once yours is up and running, your users will generate most of the content and the group will take on a life of its own. And this mini blueprint is exactly what you need to get that group up and running fast!

14. The Facebook Monthly Membership Site Checklist – There was a time when running a monthly membership site was a complicated affair. You needed tech knowledge to get your group running. And then you needed to convince people to register on your site, bookmark it, and visit regularly.

Today things are a lot easier, because all you have to do is set up a monthly membership site on Facebook. Chances are, your audience is already on Facebook and visiting every day, so running your membership site through this platform is super easy – especially when you use this super-useful checklist!

15. The Social Traffic Generation Checklist – There are a lot of marketers who eagerly jumped onto social media as an easy way to drive a waiting audience back to their site. All you have to do is just drop links and wait for the traffic to pour into your site, right?

Not quite. Social media is a bit of a different animal compared to your typical advertising venues. Those who recognize the differences are the ones who benefit. Those who don’t know how to use social media the right way just end up wasting a lot of time and money on a strategy that doesn’t work.

If you want to be one of the lucky few to benefit big time, then you need to get your hands on this mini blueprint!

16. The Grow Your List Through Social Media Checklist – While social media is a great way to reach your audience and start building relationships, ultimately you want to get your prospects on your mailing list so that you can follow up with them at any time.

17. The Social Media Engagement Checklist – Heads up… Just increasing your number of social media followers isn’t going to get you good results. If you want to make the most out of your social media marketing, you need to make sure those followers are engaged and loyal. And that’s exactly what this “dos and don’ts”checklist will show you how to do!

18. The Call To Action Checklist – One of the key goals of your social media page is to get people to like, share and comment on your content. Not only is an engaged audience more likely to join your list or buy from you, this sort of activity also creates viral traffic and a bigger audience for you… effortlessly!

So how do you get more likes, shares, favorites, retweets and comments? By using this checklist!

19. The Social Media Graphics Checklist – Have you ever noticed what sort of content tends to get a lot of attention on social media?

If you guessed graphics, you’re right. Whether you’re sharing a graphics-heavy infographic, or you’re just sharing a tip or inspirational quote on a graphical background, you need to have attention-getting graphics to rise above all the social media noise.

And here’s the best news: this checklist will show you how to create or otherwise get your hands on all sorts of attention-getting, polished and high-impact graphics!

20. The Next Level Social Media Hacks Checklist – Once you get your social media campaigns up and running, you’re going to start looking for tips and hacks to make your social media marketing better, faster and easier. Look no further than this checklist, where you’ll get 10 hacks for creating more successful and bigger networks!

And because this is a solo offer, buy thru my link and immediately receive my own

FB Marketing Rolodex!

My own collection of the BEST FB tutorials around!

Sounds good? I think so – Liz is one of the original marketers in our universe…

She is just plain known for quality.

Grow strong,

Barbara “More commissions” Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

ps: limited time sale!
Source: aWeber


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