Hey there,
Barb Ling here and ever wish you had a *proven* formula to close high ticket sales?
Well then!
==> High Ticket Sales
Your benefits – you discover a proven formula for gaining high ticket clients!
Brief, pithy and to the point:
What if I told you that you can grow your business EXPONENTIALLY… and earn MORE by offering a higher-ticket product and using and Irresistable Offer and Bonuses to close business at an 80% or more closing ratio?
While most local business consultants (not privy to these secrets) are fighting tooth and nail, riddled with fear and money insecurities, struggling to get $500 or less per client…
YOU will be getting EVERYTHING YOU WANT…without doing anything you don’t like or don’t want to do…
You will bypass the cut-throat uninformed crowd and make even MORE on the back end.
Because you’re about to discover how to LEAPFROG over the painfully long “sales curve”… so you can start making BIG PROFITS…very quickly.
==> See how here:
Things you’ll uncover include:
Jim’s Persuasion Secrets For Closing More Clients Faster With Less Resistance.
How To Create An Irresistable Offer That Makes It A “No-Brainer” For Your Prospects
The Two Key Elements To The Irresistable Offer
My #1 Place For Finding New Clients. (Never Taught In Any Of My Courses)
The Key To Pricing Your Services Properly
How ONE Local Client Can Pay You $36,000 A Year …The Numbers Prove It.
The One Thing To Focus On For Your Prospect – Screw This Up and You Will Crash And Burn
How Being Nervous About Your Offer Is A Good Thing!
CAUTION: Dont Exceed 10 Clients UNLESS you do this.
Why 12 Month Agreements Are The Devil – Hint…Shorter Is Better. AND How To Get 90% Renewals
Why You MUST Have Bonuses With Your Offer
Why Making Your Video(s) Too Perfect Might Be A Mistake.
Take The Sting Out Of Any Client Disappointments.
If You Offer A Discount, What You MUST Offer With it.
How To Sell Exclusivity To Your Clients
The only time you should accept payment by check.
How To ‘sucker punch’ the competition with ONE line.
Secrets nobody told you about setting REALISTIC Goals.
==> Grab it all here!:
Methinks you’ll love this grand.
Grow strong,
Barb “More Commissions!” Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator
ps – Got other questions?
Q: Is this just a re-hash of previous courses?
A: No, This new course is different…because I’m teaching how to find, approach and land high-paying clients and how to close them quick and sometimes in bulk.
Q: Why would these local businesses need my help?
A: It might surprise you to know that many clients struggle to pay their bills. They need marketing help because they lack marketing expertise.
Q: What is different about your training?
A: I teach you proven method to create an offer that will make it a “no-brainer” for your client and get them to say yes. It’s not only what you present to them, but the way you make this an offer they can’t refuse.
Q: Does this take a lot of time?
A: Each client initially takes about 2-3 hours to setup. Then maybe 30 minutes per month to manage. Extra projects will, of course, take longer.
Q: Will I need a large budget?
A: No. You can do this with no money, just your own time and effort. A little money for an outsourcer will make it go faster, but its not necessary.
Q: Won’t my clients Be Taking A Chance On me?
A: Nope. and thats because well show you exactly how to implement this system. Its proven to work and thats what you’ll be offering.
Q: Will I need Employees?
A: NO (Unless YOU Want Them) —If you choose to use virtual assistants or outsource thats fine.
But its necessary.
Q: Is there a lot of competition?
A: In my experience, no. While other marketers know about local businesses of course, they approach them in a clumsy and high pressure way. I’m teaching more methods of ‘attraction’.
Q: If It’s so Good… Why Don’t you charge more?
A: Simple… I actually make my earnings from Clients, not from product launches and you. I do enjoy helping marketers and dont see the need to get ruch off of you.
Q: Can I do this all from my computer? (Or do I need to go door-to-door to sign up the doctors?)
A: This entire business is totally location independent and can be done entirely by email and phone.
Q: How long will it take to get 10 cleints?
A: If you take action it can be achieved in 90 days.
==> What are you waiting for?
Source: aWeber
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