LOCAL SOFTWARE: Google hack ==> easily gain a customer 5 star reviews?


Barb Ling here and this just crossed me path!

With this simple software you can Create a Controlled Review Funnel to:

Ask, Remind and Guide customers through writing a review on the platform that matters most Google..

PLUS: Your Clients can Intercept and Privately Respond to unhappy customers Before they bad-mouth the business, while starting the nurturing process at the most important time – When the unhappy customer wants to be heard!

Gain the insights over at:


See: Here are the facts: If someone wants to say something bad about a business theyll find a way.. But another fact stands as well, most will be happy sounding off to management and most will also be satisfied by a prompt response from the business.. In most cases unsatisfied customers/reviewers have no other outlet to be heard by the business (Until Now)!

What this tool does is curb the unnecessary negative reviews (which turns out to be most of them) because theres no other way to vent.. Its a fact that a Business with out a plan to control their negative reviews will end up with more than a businesses that has a plan.. The idea here is to Protect the most vulnerable (and damaging) effects of negative reviews, and not to let those reviews damage the overall stature of a business in Googles eyes (ie: Rankings).. Which could
be detrimental to a local businesses..

Plus, its proven fact that the more direct attention a business can give to negative issues as they arise, the easier it will be to maintain a good business reputation. Thats exactly what this easy to use software does..

Grab it here!



Grow strong,

Barb More profits TODAY! Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

ps – Bonuses too!
Source: aWeber


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