(NOTE! This mornin’s goodies are awaiting you below but if you don’t like ’em, please do unsubscribe at – thanks!)
| oOo ==> Followup eMail Marketing Plan with!
| http://askbling.com/coolfump
| WHY: You’ll learn how to revive dying email
| lists, increase your commissions AND:
Wondering what sorts of
goodness emerged today?
Wonder no more… here they are!
And onto today!
Brief, pithy and to the point:
Ever wonder how the extremely successful
marketers can create powerful stories and
email sequences that get you clamoring to
Want that goodness applied to your products
and list as well?
Well then!
Did you see this goodie from Dr. Ben?
| oOo ==> Transform Your List Into Something *Profitable
| http://askbling.com/coolfump
This…. could happen to you.
Imagine… your list…. *profitable*.
You’ll learn from Dr. Ben how to
craft powerfully evocative email
sequences that will awaken your
list and compel them to buy.
Good stuff indeed!
| oOo ==> Limited time offer
| http://askbling.com/coolfump
See, in the past, you might have
begun collecting subscribers.
Your list grows and grows… and reasonably,
you’d expect your profits to increase as well, right?
Bet you were surprised when your revenue stayed
stagnant. Yeah. What I said.
Breathe life into your dying mailing list (without starting over!)
| oOo ==> Breathe life into your dying
| mailing list (without starting over!)
| http://askbling.com/coolfump
The man walks the walk he talks!
His flavor of email marketing is proven….
grab this one today. Sheer gold.
Brief, pithy and to the point:
Look at what was shared (and
this is just a start!!
Leading off the first day,
Nicole Dean, who describes herself
as a mostly sane marketer,
presented her topic The Be
Attitudes of A Profitable and Happy You.
Making boatloads of money is a
fantastic goal in business, but
not at the expense of losing
yourself or your dreams in the
process. So, if you’re working
insane hours, you don’t remember
the last time you went on vacation,
and your spouse is forgetting what
you look like, you need to listen
to this heart to heart talk by Nicole Dean.
Full of practical advice, productivity
tips, and solid reminders, you’re
guaranteed a butt-kicking (with love)
24r that will stick with you well after the event ends.
| oOo ==> Lots more!
| http://askbling.com/2014seminar
Next up was Wilson Mattos,
half of the dynamic and hugely
successful ownership of Rapid
Crush, Inc., talked about
Feelings and Emotions That
Affect Your Business Success.
In life, as well as in business,
we are often faced with situations
that elicit strong emotions and feelings.
How we manage these emotions
and feelings, when it comes to
making business decisions, often
dictates the outcome of what we are trying to achieve.
While we are often told to focus
on our mindset, this is likely a
futile exercise until you understand
what drives you to make decisions on a daily basis.
| oOo ==> And even more!
| http://askbling.com/2014seminar
8 more fantastic
speakers… and also remember,
it cost big bucks to attend!
If you want sheer gold today….
Check it out now.
Don’t forget yesterdays:
Looking for a 4 week intensive
video marketing bootcamp?
If so:
| oOo ==> Profitable Video Marketing Business!
| http://askbling.com/videobc
This is a $97 training
(with all 4 weeks already
completed and waiting for
which will teach you all about:
Setting up video profit streams
How to research your niches
How to uncover powerful keywords
The 5 fav types of keywords
to target
Using video to build your lists
The BEST kind of videos
for profiting online
| oOo ==> Don’t forget the bonuses there too!
| http://askbling.com/videobc
Want to profit via Youtube and CPA?
If so:
| oOo ==> Youtube Cash Machine
| http://askbling.com/ytcpa
This is a 5 step process to
zeroing in on making
high converting videos via
(get this)
Cutting and pasting and
sharing CPA Offers in less
than 5 minutes….
And seeing them convert
as well.
| oOo ==>10 Video Modules…. neat!
| http://askbling.com/ytcpa
Over 1000 total copies sold…
Would you like to learn how
to find any type of content
online for zero-cost? In 100s
of niches?
==> Volume 2: Google Search Supremacy!
In a nutshell, this power blueprint of
mine…. oh! It shows you *exactly*
how I’ve always without fail gained
authority status in any niche I chose.
And its…newbie friendly as well!
==> So easy…. I’m even teaching my
grammar school child how to do it.
It’s dimesale so price is rising
with every sale… and I wanted
you to be among the first to know!
AND!!!! The GOLD Version? Sheer
over-delivering on my part (plus
you’ll get a kick out of the video
as my youngest and the Beak of
Doom made some cameos):
220+ Evergreen niches, EACH
with 25 Powerful Done-For-You
profitable searches
Spreadsheet of the above
as well!
Authority Search Mindmap
Authority Search 1 page cheatsheet
==> Just look at what you’ll learn!
Do let me know
what you think….
I think you’ll truly
love what you learn!
Don’t forget our favs:
==> Create Cool Mobile Apps Lifetime Membership!
==> Special 1 Problem/1 Solution (my list only discount)
==> 37 Ways To Grab Leads (Zero cost!)
==> The Better Life Sequence (Zero cost!)
==> Zero cost affiliate training from the
super popular NAMS group:
==> Marlon Sanders Big Book of Secrets
==> 21 Powerful Copywriting Tips…. Zero cost!
==> Special 6 in 6 coaching $1 trial
==> Magpreneur Magazine App Builder
Thank you for bring on my list – I will continue
to do my best to bring you the latest and
greatest of all marketing updates and will be sure
to touch base with you this afternoon
with all the latest goodies…
Grow strong,
Barbara Ling
I Make Marketing Profitable
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| About the Author: Barbara Ling has been a mover and
| shaker on the Internet since 1989, and has been an
| online trainer and marketing pioneer since 1997.
| Designer and creator of Barbara Ling.com
| she has taught thousands of entrepreneurs how
| to master affiliate marketing, product development,
| networking growth and more. Author of over 50 books
| and ebooks, her educational style is denoted by
| motivational, humorous, fun and easy to understand
| targeted writing.
| Nowadays, she is best known for teaching
| people from all walks of life how to be successful
| on the Internet. For more information, please visit:
| http://barbaraling.com/shows/btlace/
| Perking Up Profits!
| >> http://facebook.com/groups/perkingUpProfits
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Barbara Ling, grab some smiles and tell your friends! Thanks so much… — Barbara Ling
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