==> OFFLINE: BETTER than the Foot in the Door service?

NOTE: Paypal has changed the way they accept payments. Don’t be surprised by the popup.

Hey there,

Barb Ling here and you realize that back in October…

Google (as de facto rulers of the internet) have decided to fully implement the most dangerous warnings about un-protected websites.

Up to now they’ve only been toying with us, like a cat fiddles with a mouse until he’s ready to bite off its head and eat it whole….

And this is your ticket to sweet, sweet SWEET offline consultant profits!

See, Google will be massively punishing websites *lacking* SSL certificates…..

And that’s where you come in!

==> Introducing the BETTER than the Foot in the Door Service

And yep…

The profit potential for local consultants…

It’s HUGE.

And it can benefit you, even if you’re brand new….

Here, look at 3 of all the modules:

Module 1 – What is SSL & HTTPS?SSL & HTTPS Explained
3 Types of SSL Certificates
Why SSL Is THE BEST FITD for 2018

Module 2 – Using SSL Sniper Lead Software
Dashboard Overview
How To Do A Lead Search Integrating Mailjet
Emailing Leads From SSL Sniper
Saving & Exporting Leads

Module 3 – Installing SSLClients Hosting (Your Secret Weapon)
Where to Get SSL Certificates
Installing Purchased SSL with Cpanel
Securing a Site With Cloudflare

==> And there’s even MORE than that!

Stuff like:

* Believe it or not there are ways to NEVER meet or talk to a client.

* Caution! Why people fail with just SSL software

* Exactly Where to Find the ideal client for your business style

* How to Clear Six-Figures in 2018 Using SSL Marketing By Itself

* How to pay a little to get others to do the ‘dirty work’ for you.

* How to perform and deliver the SSL service and charge for monthly maintenance.

* The Misunderstood Secret Of Why Google Is Pushing SSL So Much

* The WORST mistakes you can make with SSL Marketing

* The clever way we go from ‘little starter sale’ to bigger and bigger sales.

* The secret structure to setting up your SSL business that’ll have prospects begging to sign up!

* The sexy way Google will FORCE all your clients and prospects to sign up with you.

* The simplest, easiest way to close a Client with NO PRESSURE

* What SUCKS And How To Avoid It

* Why the public’s brainwashing by Google Only helps you make money

==> Start your adventures here!

Sounds good? Indeed… As December is the month that businesses tend to spend whatever leftover cash there is…

… plus the sheer urgency of this issue….

It should be one of the easiest ways to get started.


Grow strong,

Barb “More Profits!” Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

PS: Price increases with EACH sale… so hurry!

Source: aWeber


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