OFFLINE: Software: LINKEDIN High Ticket clients?


Barb Ling here and here be the latest ready for your consideration! Make sure to read to the end, as you’ll also receive direct access to additional LinkedIn goodies this very instant.


BENEFITS: You gain software to ferret out the high-paying clients on LinkedIn

Who should consider this: People who want to score high ticket clients via LInkedIn

Who should NOT consider this: People who don’t have the income to spare.

Obligatory humor: We can all agree that it gets a little weirrrrd when we ask prospects about revenue numbers. That’s when I say it simply, “can I tell you something personal?”


Brief, pithy and to the point:

Want you LinkedIn software that will help you score big?

Of course you do!

What are some of its benefits?

So glad you asked!

LinkedIn Banner Maker
Create beautiful looking LinkedIn Profile Banners in just few minutes. You will be searched and when your found, you want to stand out and convey what your about or what your company is about.

LinkedIn Headline Generator
Grab immediate attention with a persuasive headline and entice people to view the rest of your profile where you can showcase your products and services and get them clicking through to your website.

LINKEDIN Group and Company Banner Creation
With the Linkedtify software you will be able to create great looking Linkedin Company Banners And Linkedin Group Banners Pages.

Linkedtify Messager App
Linkedtify messaging is a simple but highly effective message generator. It consists of 5 message apps.

Connection App
Effective first message swipes allowing you to communicate with anyone on LinkedIn. The tool generates proven connection messages. You get a variety of messages to choose from.

Follow Up App
You’ll know exactly what to say after someone responds to your message. You get a variety of messages to choose from.

Referrer App
Use this generator to get you first connection to refer you to their second connections.

Recommendation App
Give back to other with the LinkedIn Recommendation generator tool will help you come up with a variety of recommendations.

Who Viewed Me App
When someone views your profile on LinkedIn, you’re immediately alerted and you’re shown exactly who’s viewed you. Use to message app to reply with an effective message.

And the enhancements?

Advanced Training…

Agency Goodness

==> Start your journey here!

Sounds good?

Don’t forget these 3 WordPress goodies that deal with LinkedIn… I found them for you that you can *download below right now* (these are from the official repository (no chances of hacking!)) and will download directly to your desktop – use an unzip program like Winzip or 7-zip to open them:

Discovery #1: WP LinkedIn Auto Publish!

Discovery #2: Blog2Social: Social Media Auto Post and Scheduler!

Discovery #3: Revive Old Posts – Social Media Auto Post and Scheduling Plugin!

And like I said, the above goodies you can download *now*. I’d appreciate it if you’d purchase thru my link, of course 🙂

==> See it all here!

Sounds good?


Barb “More profits TODAY!” Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

ps – Bonuses too!
Source: aWeber


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