==> OFFLINE: Something ALL eateries would pay for… that is recurring?

Hey there,

Barb Ling here and….

Let me intrigue you with the following ideas!

As you might know, one of the best online business models is recurring/subscription basedand everyones goal should be to establish that income source.

(You might remember that Dennis and I are currently doing that ourselves)

Well now!

What if I told you, you can copy paste your way to $147-297 per month clients?

…WITHOUT any cold calling, face to face meetings or leaving the comfort of your own home!

And get this…

It ALL deals with something every living breathing individual in this world… does!

==> Im intrigued… Let me see it already!

And because this is a solo offer, buy thru my link and immediately receive my own

Offline Marketing Strategy Pack

My own collection of the BEST offline marketing tutorials out there!

Sounds good? Indeed! Something zero cold calling…. whats not to adore?

Grow strong,

Barb More sales! Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

PS: Bonuses too!

PPS: Want even more info?

Well then!

It ALL deals with something every living breathing individual in this world… does!

Enter Facebook….

But not JUST Facebook….

Stuff that does with…. (drumroll please) EATING!

ie, restaurants.

And before you go, ummm, restaurants?

How Facebook check-ins work in the restaurant world
These golden nuggets are what restaurateurs dont know, and why theyll love you for having covert knowledge
How to target restaurants that are in desperate need of this service
I want you looking at your first $147-$297 payment sat in your PayPal account ASAP. So Ill show you how to find restaurants in dire need of Facebook check-ins, and are willing to pay hundreds of dollars, month in month out, for you to handle it all for them
How to get clients without leaving the comfort of your home
Ill share with you a simple email message that I send out to all potential clients, either via normal email or Facebook Messenger. This has a huge response rate every single time I use it: How to get clients to sign up immediately without hesitation Just copy, paste and hit send.
Ill share with you my proven to convert follow-ups too…. that take a potential client from interested to must have nowall via emails and NO face-to-face/telephone contact
How to overcome any objection
Ive been doing this since 2012, and I instinctively know the main objections restaurant owners have. So Ill share with you my objection override emails, just copy and paste these responses back, and expect even more $147-$297 checks hitting your PayPal account.
How to optimize a restaurants Facebook page for check-ins
Youll get a full video walkthrough of how to set everything up. Honestly, this is so easy, even a 10 year old can follow along and implement.
How to easily create promotional check-in material for restaurants to display on their premises
Ill hand you my fully editable template, as well as step-by-step tutorials, that show you how to edit this template to suit any restaurant using Canva (a free software) these are so easy to reproduce, but your clients will think youre a social media magician!
How to do reporting to show your clients the impact of your service
Dramatically increased check-ins will have a very obvious impact on revenue. However, I want to make sure every single one of your clients think you walk on water! So, Ill share with you my secret scripts that show you exactly what to emphasize and highlight, so they are seriously impressed, and would never think of letting you go.
How to run your new FB marketing business part-time
When I started out, there was no way I could just give up my 9-5 I had bills to pay! Ill show you how to start this business as a side hustle with zero budget and zero experience. In fact, this whole venture can be a secret between you and me, until you get your first huge paycheck….

And the full story?

Grab it all here!

You see businesses such as restaurants struggle to get new customers in, and they are willing to pay you a lot of bucks if you can drive more real customers to them

And two girls, Alicia and Lorette, have discovered a really cool way to offer FB checkin services to businesses, and charge them $147-297 per month

==> The best part It all done with copy and paste e-mails and templates
Source: aWeber


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