Our Jan 1st loss is your gain….

Hey there,

Barb Ling here and this is pretty nifty indeed!

A couple weeks ago Dennis and I announced that the
price of DAB Group Coaching would be rising
as of January 1, 2019.

That didnt happen. A very successful
launch on Warrior Plus, some software
glitches, and some life issues got more
of my attention than we had planned.

Now were back on track.

Weve been running the DAB Group Coaching
program since August, and its going well!

==> http://dabcoaching.com/dabgroup/

DAB Group Coaching is currently $37/month
for 12 months, or a 1-pay of $400.00.

It compares favorably with other group
coaching sites charging much more, we do

We announced before that members would
begin to receive free access to the Warrior
Plus products offered by our DennisAndBarb
W+ account, including all upsells priced
at $50 and below, and not recurring.

We did place our latest DennisAndBarb
products in the group coaching members
area, available to all members after their
trial period ended.

The total value of those 5 products, if
you purchased them separately, would be
well over $165.00.

We generally launch new W+ offers once
or twice a month, sometimes more, and
sometimes less, but you get the idea.

Were also working on 2 or 3 new
additions to the group coaching members
area, at least one of them should be
starting this month.

Just as a hint, you will get access to new
memberships that will be available
separately for a separate charge, but
DAB Group Coaching members will get
access to them for no charge.


There is at least one monthly ask-us-
anything webinar where you can get direct
access to Barb and me to ask any marketing
related questions.

All the monthly webinars are recorded and
in the archives so that all members will have
access to them.

Plus everything else, including access to
Best of 6 in 6 Coaching, our monthly
video courses, the amazing seminar videos
from the Earn1KaDay and Daily Seminar
archives, and special reports are all
chosen to enhance your skills, inspire
you, and improve your income.

Plus be aware that were Im constantly on
the lookout for ways to improve the
experience for members.

Anyway, when we first launched DAB
Group Coaching, the target price
that we set was $97/month for a
period of 12 months.

But we needed to prove ourselves
first, get feedback from members
to ensure we were on the right track,
and then gradually add value to
justify the higher prices.

Were doing that, in steps that
have been completed, and in steps
that are coming.

For now, the price will increase
very slightly, to $47/month for
12 months, or a one-pay option of
$500.00 for those who dont like
monthly payments, and want to save
a bit.

We still have the 7-day trial option
for just $1.00 when choosing the
monthly payments, so that you can
get a feel for DAB Group Coaching
and make sure its right for you.

The price increase will take effect
on Friday, January 18th, so you still
have an opportunity to get in at the
current price (and of course youll
never see the price increase if you
get in now).

Plus remember, this is a fixed term
membership. Even if you choose the
monthly payments, after the 12th month,
payments stop, but new content continues
to be made available to you, non stop.

==> http://dabcoaching.com/dabgroup/

If you have any question, feel free to
contact me.

Grow strong,

Barb More Buy Buttons Ling!
Authority Marketing Innovator

P.S. During the trial period you will not
be able to download the W+ products, but
as soon as your 7-day trial ends, youll
get full access.

Youll also beat the price increase,
which goes into effect January 18, 2019.

So get started now and join the other
happy DAB Group Coaching members.

==> http://dabcoaching.com/dabgroup/

P.P.S. Of course, the value of DAB Group
Coaching isnt just the stuff in our W+ Vault,
as youll see once you get inside, but that
stuff is sort of a nice bonus, we think.

Once placed in the W+ vault, it stays there
for 30 full days so that you have time to
download and benefit. The other content
has no expiration, as long as you remain
a member in good standing.

==> http://dabcoaching.com/dabgroup/

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Source: aWeber


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