PASSIVE: Making 2020 your BEST year ever with this incredible deal? Include:


Barb Ling here and omg, not only has it been updated, but oooo what is shared!!


==> Total Turnaround!!

Your Benefits: You seize the insider tips on how to double or triple goodness this year!!

Who should buy this: People who want a done-for-you product to either sell and keep all profits, or perhaps use as an offline consultant to add services to service-related businesses and more!

Who should not buy this: Anyone who cannot afford it

Obligatory humor: Sleeping comes so naturally to me, I can do it with my eyes closed.. 🙂


Brief, pithy and to the point:
Still spinning your wheels and wondering why everyone else is overtaking you?
Doing the work, walking the talk and watching moths fly out of your wallet?
It’s a cliche but like all cliches it’s true because…this is not your fault.
You know why?
You’re doing things the hard way.
The way that doesn’t work.
The way you have probably been (badly) taught.
But here’s the good news…all you need to do is tweak a few things and everything will totally turnaround…
In a few simple steps that take you from floundering and failing to finally succeeding.
With ease.
How? In Amanda Craven’s brand new Total Turnaround…
A course like no other.

==> You’ll see how… here!

And because this is a solo offer, buy thru my link and immediately receive my own
MMO Online Strategy Pack
My own collection of the best MMMO tutorials online!
Sounds good?
I think so – Amanda is know for pure quality…
… and this over-delivers like no other.
Grow strong,
Barb “more buy buttons!” Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator
ps – price increasing soon…

ps – want more info? Well then!

Here’s what you get….

First let’s get something straight – there are no BS promises here.
I am totally confident you will at least double your sales if you follow what I teach you because it relies on pure, hard science and not pie-in-the-sky promises.
No, we’re not going to be conducting complicated experiments here.
Far from it.
You see, this is already tried and tested, proven stuff.
The stuff I learned through my own experiments over the 19 years I’ve been doing this.
And the No. 1 Thing I learned is that it you are almost certainly making this too hard for yourself.
That’s right – you need to get out of your own way.
Or rather, you need to stop following the ways of all those people who have taught you to do strange, over-complicated things to succeed online and off.
Things they never do themselves because they make them all up.
(I’m sorry to break it to you if that comes as a shock but it’s the truth)
Which is why you are spinning in ever-decreasing circles getting nowhere.
Or certainly not as far as you want to go.
Now, I may have got this wrong.
You might already have a business of sorts and that is fantastic.
But how would you like a business that really works for you?
One that doesn’t take anything like as much work to see much better results?
A business where…
==> You can easily double your sales…hing…That

Or much more…
By simply improving 5 fundamental things in 6 simple steps.
Things and steps that you can measure (the science bit).
That’s it.
That’s all it takes.
Why 30 days?
Because that’s the time most people need to acquire and set new habits.
You might do it in less.
It could take a few more days.
The point is, you will be setting yourself up to succeed rather than fail.
And by ‘succeed’ I mean you will actually have created real, solid streams of income in the right way and without half killing yourself.
Because you don’t need to.
Despite what you may have heard.
==> We focus on making those dreams come true…

Listen, I’ve been doing this stuff for such a long time that I teach other people how to do it. I consult clients who have businesses that range from photography to restaurants to courses and ebooks.
Know what I do when I first sit down with them?
I listen.
Sure, I ask them questions. I let them talk. I hear their frustrations and thwarted dreams as well as their hopes and fears.
And then we set about focusing on making those dreams come true.
We also see those fears for what they really are – nothing more than a lack of a tried and tested system to follow.
Not a fancy-schmancy ‘system’ with a zillion useless twists and turns but steps that cut through the noise and uncertainty to what really works for you.
Yes, you.
We focus on making those dreams come true…
==> We can do this together……

Because we can also sit down together and exactly pinpoint the steps you need to take to lead you out of the maze of uncertainty.
We can do that in my new workshop Total Turnaround – a course that I call a ‘workshop’ because we are going to be doing it together, every step of the way.
You may be wondering how and that’s a good question.
Let me tell you.
Total Turnaround is unlike any other workshop or course I have created because I have designed it around working with you as if I was sitting right there with you, in the room, probably sipping that coffee you made me (thank you!) while we go through it all together.
The hopes and frustrations, yes but more importantly what you need to do, right now and for the next 30 days to get you out of the maze of uncertainty and into a place where it all starts working for you as it should.
We’re going to do that in the same way I turned my own business around – by implementing small but fundamental tweaks and improvements that have maximum impact.
We’re going to look at things from a different angle.
Yes, we’re adding in some new stuff too.
Easy stuff.
Stuff I also learned and refined along the way that has worked consistently well for me.

==> This is low effort, high reward…
We can do this together……
But you don’t even have to do that to achieve that total turnaround because chances are you already have it…you’re just not using it right.
Or at all.
So you can look on this as low effort, high reward.
Note I didn’t say ‘no effort’ – that would be a lie. Everything that’s worth anything takes effort, as you no doubt know.
But this is not the kind of brain-bending, tooth-clenching effort you may suspect or expect.
In fact, I look on it as fun more than effort.
And it’s even more fun when you see the results you get.
Want to do a happy dance rather than a defeated slump?
Sure you do. Even if your happy dance is more of an internal thing because – guess what – this doesn’t need you to turn into a snake oil sales type either.
Or put yourself out there in a way that makes you want to slink under the kitchen table and hide.
With Total Turnaround introverts, shyer folk, quieter types and those who would rather preserve their integrity than sell it down the river with some weird ‘scheme’ are positively welcome.
As are extroverts, people people and anyone who simply wants to have a decent, honest business that brings them in a more than decent, honest income.

==> You can have passive income and more…

Will this bring you in that fabled passive income people talk about?
I will teach you how to do that and much more but not in a passive way.
I will also get you into an (honest) hustling mindset so that you can get that essential hustle on in a way that feels good to you.
Remember that coffee? I like mine black, no sugar thanks.
Because you might as well brew it up now, I’m going to be so there with you.
You see, I realised that too many people buy course after course and never implement or even finish it. Then wonder where they’re going wrong.
Let me tell you why. They get confused and lose momentum or heart or they plain and simply don’t like learning alone.
With Total Turnaround, we take each and every step together. I’m good company, I promise. More than that, I know what I am doing and I also know how to teach it.

==> Anyone can do this…even you!

What’s that? You have no time?
Ha. Tell me about it.
I have a daughter with additional needs, two cats, several thriving businesses and a new puppy.
I have no time either.
That’s why I streamlined and simplified everything so that it takes the least amount of time possible but still brings me big rewards.
The rewards you can have too because if I can do it, anyone can.
Yes, even you.
So what do you say?
Want to finally turn things around in a totally painless but highly effective way?
Oh and by the way, I don’t just drop you after 30 days and leave you hanging…
This covers not just the next 30 days but 60 and 90 as well so we can keep you right on track!
You in for this ride with me?
I hope so.
Because it’s going to be wonderful to have you around and see your results.
Nothing gives me more pleasure than seeing a student of mine succeed.
That’s because there’s another myth I need to bust here – there is room for everyone.
Yep, there is no set number of people allowed to succeed.
Especially not in this world where opportunities are endless, most especially online.
But it’s that vastness that sometimes frightens or confuses you into not knowing where to begin.
Take a breath.
I’m here to show you the way.
With Total Turnaround.
PDFs and Workbooks
Learn everything you need to know in easy to follow PDFs and follow along with me as we go through your workbooks together.

Listen to the audio lessons that lead you by the hand through your workbooks and what you need to do without any distractions. It’s just like having me there in the room!
Follow Ups and Masterclasses
Watch the Spotlight Masterclasses to acquire the skills you need. You will also receive follow up emails with lessons and prompts at 30, 60 and 90 days after you sign up to the course to keep you firmly on the road to success.

Written by professionals, here’s what we are going to provide in this massive info-packed premier training guide:

==> You’ll see how… here!

Grab it above!
Source: aWeber


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